Chapter 29: Fire Deficiency Sickness

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~Angel's POV~
I opened my eyes slowly "Wh-what happened.." I saw a worried Laxus, a worried Mystigan, a worried Natsu and a worried Gramps "Thank goodness you're ok. We got so worried." Mystigan looked right at me "Can you tell me what happened. The last thing I remember was charging at Natsu and my vision became blurry so I missed. I think that's when Natsu landed an attack on me and I got blown back into the tree. That's all I remember." "Angel, I'm afraid that you have fire deficiency sickness. You won't be able to absorb fire or use fire magic for awhile." Gramps gave me a saddened look "Fire deficiency sickness? I've never heard of it." "That's because it's a rare sickness." Gramps notified me "I see. I wonder how I got it. I did use my fire magic a lot during my five year quest." "That could be a factor." Mystigan looked at me. I then grabbed my head in pain "Let's get you inside." Laxus helped me up "Thanks Laxus." I wobbled as I walked. I felt really weak. Laxus then brought me to the infirmary and Natsu came in "How are you feeling Angel." "I'm feeling better I guess. But not being able to eat fire or use my fire magic is really bothering me and I feel really weak." "I know. You'll be ok soon. I know you will be. I'll stay by your side until you get better." "You don't have to do that Natsu. You can go on a job with the others if you want. I'll be fine. I got Mystigan and the others from Edolas while you'll be gone." "Okay. Get some rest ok?" "Ok." I smiled and fell asleep. When I woke up a couple of hours later, I noticed that Mira was placing a wet cloth on my forehead "Oh good you're awake. You had a bit of a fever so I put a wet cloth on your forehead." "Thanks Mira." "You're welcome Angel. I hope you get better soon. Everyone in the guild is worried about you." "I'll be fine.." My body started to burn up "Is it me, or is it really hot in here all of a sudden." Mira then touched my arm "You're burning up. Your whole body is hot." "Do you think it's my body trying to replenish my fire magic?" "Possibly. I'm going to notify master and see if there's a way to stop you from burning up even more." "Okay." I kept getting hotter and hotter and my hand created a flame and I couldn't get rid of it "Mira!! I need help!" Mira had just come in with Gramps and saw the flame "You're able to create a flame?" "I'm not controlling it. I can't get rid of it." Gramps and Mira looked at each other "We need to get Porlyusica here right away. Mira, get Wendy to go fetch Porlyusica." "I'll do that right away Master." Mira left "Angel, I want you to focus your magic on the flame and try to get rid of it." "I'll try." I focused all my magic on the flame and it hurt "Gramps, it hurts.." "I know but keep focusing your magic on the flame child." I nodded and kept trying. It hurt a lot and I felt like I was going to pass out "Gramps, it's not working. Please let me stop." The flame then got even bigger and I try eating the flame "Angel, you can't. You'll make it worse." "It's the only option I have left Gramps."  I ate my flame and I felt sick "Maybe I shouldn't of eaten it." I felt really sick "Just hang in there. Wendy should be back with Porlyusica soon." After a few minutes, Wendy came back with Porlyusica. She kicked Gramps out and made Wendy stay so she could help her "Wendy told me about your fire deficiency sickness. It's a rare sickness indeed but I'll be able to treat it." "Thank you..." I then passed out from not having enough strength to stay awake. When I came to, I could see everyone crying and I was no longer at the guild. I was at a cemetery. It was raining and I saw a gravestone with my name on it! "No.. I couldn't of. I died?!" I then saw Gramps giving a speech "Angel was a kind and caring person. She would always fight for her family no matter the circumstance. She fought for what she believed was right and she will be dearly missed." "Gramps... I'm not dead.. I'm right here." I then could see Natsu come up to my grave "Angel, if you can hear me, I will always love you. I knew I shouldn't of left on that job with the others. I should've stayed with you. I'm sorry."  I walked up to Natsu and put my hand on his shoulder "It's ok. I'm not dead. I can't be dead right?" Everything then started to turn white and I followed the light "Am I really dead?" When I followed the light, I opened my eyes slowly. Seeing myself dead was a dream "I'm not dead..?" Porlyusica gave me a confused look "Why would you be dead." "I-I had a dream that I was dead. It felt so real.. Gramps gave a small speech and Natsu and everyone else were crying. I even saw my own grave..." "I see.. Well, you should be better in a couple of days. With the treatment I gave you, you should be better in no time." "Thank you Porlyusica. I owe you." "No, you don't. I'll always help you and Wendy whenever you're in need." She smiled at me and then left "I wonder why I  had that dream. Was it some kind of premonition? I hope not.." I laid my head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling
~Porlyusica's POV~
"Poor girl.. Her body sensed that she was on the brink of death and turned it into a dream. If it wasn't for my quick thinking, Angel would be dead and her dream would've came true." I mumbled that under my breath as I walked down to the main hall of the guild. Natsu had over heard me mumbling to myself and heard everything I said "Angel was on the brink of death?! Is she ok? Is she alive?" Natsu started to panic "She's fine. I managed to save her. Now I don't want you telling Angel. She just thinks she had a dream about dying." Natsu nodded and walked upstairs
~Angel's POV~
I felt this pain in my chest and these marks started to appear on my arms "What the- what the heck is going on." I started to panic

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