Chapter 36: Seeing Zeref

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While Natsu and I cuddled, he started to kiss my neck "N-Natsu, what are you doing.." Natsu just smirked and kept doing it "I'm kissing your neck of course." I giggled "Why?" "I want to. We never do romantic things my little fireball so I want to start." I smiled and let him continue "Okay." Natsu then started to suck on my neck "Ah.. N-Natsu..." "Did I hit a sensitive spot?" "Mhmm.." He continued to suck on my neck "At this r-rate, you're going to give me a hickey.." "I know. But don't worry. You can wear my scarf to hide it." "Really Natsu? But that's your favourite scarf. You never take it off." "That's true but I trust you wearing it." Natsu then came up to my face and I blushed "What are you thinking of doing now Pyro." I giggled and he smirked "I'm going to do this." Natsu then kissed me and I kissed back deeply. Natsu and I then had a make out session "I love you Natsu Dragneel. Son of Igneel." I was blushing a lot "I love you too Angel. I want us to be together forever. No matter what happens, I want us to be together forever." Natsu kissed me again deeply. After a few more minutes of kissing each other, there was a knock on my door. I got up and answered it "Jellal? What's wrong." He just grabbed my hand "Hey! Where are you taking me! Say something!" Natsu immediately came after us "Where are you taking her Jellal." Jellal didn't answer Natsu's question and kept pulling my arm "Jellal, you're scaring me. What's going on." Jellal then teleported me somewhere before Natsu could grab me "What the hell Jellal! You can't just take me without telling me where we're going! That's kidnapping you know!" Jellal's face then transformed. It was Derek. He had used transformation magic to look like Jellal "Derek?! What the hell do you want from me! I thought Erza defeated you and put you in jail." He then grabbed my neck "You should be dead Angel and now, I'm going to finish what I started." Derek tried chocking me and before I knew it, I started to become very light headed and could barely move. With the last bit of my strength, I punched Derek in the gut and he let go of my neck. I gasped for air and ran off. While I was running, I bumped into Natsu and I hugged him "Angel! Thank goodness you're ok. Where's Jellal. I'm going to pound him." "That wasn't Jellal. It was that guy Derek. He somehow got out of jail and he tried chocking me to death. I then punched him in the gut and ran off." My neck was really red from Derek's grip and my pupils were dilated. I was about to pass out "Angel, you don't look too good." "I-I'm fine.." "You don't look fine.." "I said I'm-" I passed out in Natsu's arms. When I came to, I was back in my apartment and Erza and the others were there "H-hey.." My voice was a bit raspy "Glad you're awake." Erza smiled "They found Derek and they put him in a secure holding. He won't be able to get out this time." "That's good to hear.." I smiled back at Erza "What else did Derek do to you." "All he did was try to choke me death. That's it." "Okay." Erza had a look on her face that said 'I fear he did something worse to you and you don't remember' "You okay Erza?" "Yes I'm fine. Let's go everyone. Angel needs to rest." "I'm staying here." Natsu piped up "Okay then. Everyone else, let's go." Everyone except Natsu left "Angel, Derek didn't cast any spells on you did he?" "I don't think so Natsu's. How could he though. He would have to use his hands to cast a spell. Unless, he said one under his breath.. Crap, this isn't good." Natsu then kissed me again "I'm glad you're ok. I was so worried." "I know you were. I'm just glad to be with you." Natsu started to look really pale "Natsu, you feeling okay? You became really pale all of a sudden." "I'm fine Angel." There was a bite mark on Natsu's arm and it started to turn purple "Natsu, what bit you." He chuckled a bit "I think a snake did when I was in the forest.." Natsu then passed out "Oh no Natsu!!" I immediately got out of bed and tried to heal Natsu "Shit... I-I don't know how to get rid of the poison.." Erza then came back "Hey, I forgot something in here... What the heck happened to Natsu!" "A venomous snake bite is what happened! I-I don't know how to get rid of the poison! You have to help me Erza!" Erza then came up to me and picked up Natsu "I'll take him to Porlyusica." I nodded and went with Erza to Porlyusica. She then treated Natsu right away and was able to get the poison out "Natsu will be fine now and should wake up in an hour or so." I sighed with relief "Thank goodness." An hour then passed and Natsu woke up "I'm glad you're awake Natsu." "Angel? Where am I." "You're at Porlyusica's place. Erza had come back to get something she forgot and she helped me bring you here." He smiled weakly "I see. Well, I'm lucky you're here because I get to do this." Natsu got up and kissed me. I blushed a lot and kissed back. I then sensed a dark aura and ended the kiss "What's wrong." "I sense a dark aura. I'll be right back." I went into the middle of the forest and guess who I see. It was Zeref "Zeref?! What are you doing here." "Ah Angel. It's good to see you again." I backed up a bit "If you're here to hurt me then I'm more then ready to fight you." "No no. I'm not here to fight you. I just came to warn you about the demon inside of you. You do realize that you and Natsu will fight to the death don't you? You are demons from my book after all." "What do you mean I'm a demon from your book." "Don't you remember dying? I resurrected you and that's why you are alive now. I got my curse because I resurrected you and Natsu." "N-no.. This can't be. Are you telling me I died in the village fire?" "Yes. I had found you and resurrected you. Then not too long after, you found Acnologia just like I planned." "You planned for me to meet him?! Ok this is getting weird. Are you trying to tell me that you have been controlling the outcome of my life?" "That is correct. But, I wasn't expecting you to fall in love with my brother. Well, have fun with your life because soon, you and Natsu will fight to the death and you'll die.." Zeref chuckled evilly and left. I then went down on my knees "No.. He's lying.. He has to be lying.."

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