Chapter 18: Memory Lapse

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~Natsu's POV~
Angel stopped breathing and it wasn't good. I brought her to the infirmary and someone there used a healing spell to make Angel breathe again. The doctor said that she should wake up by tonight.
~Angel's POV~
When I came to, I saw Natsu and the others "How are you feeling?" Natsu smiled at me "I'm feeling better. I'm sorry that I lost the match. Someone nullified my spell." "About that. Someone did see that one of Flare's teammates use their magic to nullify your spell so they gave the match to you. You deserve the win. Your attack would've hit Flare if her teammate didn't nullify it. You used a pretty powerful spell. When did you learn it." "I don't know. It just came to me. I don't even remember practicing the spell I used." "I see. Well, you should rest Angel. We have another day of the games tomorrow." Erza smiled at me "Ok. See you guys in the morning." Later that day, Rory, my exceed told me that Jellal was fighting so I went to cheer him on "You can do it Mystigan! I know you can!" I smiled at him and he smiled back. He reminded me of my brother a lot. I then felt this pain in my chest. My vision became blurry "Angel? What are you doing here. You shouldn't be out of bed "Sorry first master. I just wanted to see Mystigan's fight...." I nearly collapsed and almost fell off the terrace "Angel!" Natsu had grabbed my arm before I fell "Just let me fall... I'm going to die within the next few days so I might as well die now." "What are you talking about." I used my other hand and loosened Natsu's grip. I then closed my eyes and fell "Angel!" Natsu had grabbed onto my leg and pulled me up. I couldn't remember what had just happened. It was like, I was under someone's control a few seconds ago "What just happened and how did I get here. I don't remember leaving the infirmary "You mean you don't remember what just happened a few seconds ago?" "That is correct Natsu." The next day came and I competed in a very easy game. We had to leap from Chariot to Chariot to get to the goal. Of course, I came first "Yes! That was way too easy." I then felt this pain in my chest again "Crap... Not again."  I went back to the others "Angel, you did amazing. I'm proud of you child." Gramps smiled at me "Thanks Gramps." I then grabbed my chest. The pain was getting worse "Are you ok?" Erza gave me a worried look "I'm fine. You don't need to worry." I lied to Erza. If I said that I wasn't ok, they would've put me back in the infirmary. Later that day, it was Elfman's turn to fight and he won! "Nice going Elfman! You did great!" My vision then went completely blurry and I could hear voices in my head "Destroy them. You must destroy them all." "I must destroy them all..." I had repeated what the voice said three times "Angel? Can you hear me?" Erza was waving her hand in front of my face "Huh? Oh uh did you say something Erza? I was kinda in a daze for a second." "What were you mumbling about before. You kept saying that you had to destroy them all? What did you mean by that?" "I don't know what you're talking about." I looked the other way and left

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