Chapter 30: Turning into a Dragon

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~Angel's POV~
I started to feel this pain in my chest and marks started to appear on my arms "What the-what the heck is going on." I started to panic. Magic started to spew out of my hands "First it was my fire magic, then it was my water magic and then my earth magic and so on. Natsu then had walked in and saw what was going on "Uh Angel." "Natsu! You got to help me! I can't control my magic and these marks started to appear on my arms." I showed him the marks "Woah.. You never had those before." My face then started to get scales like a dragon "Angel, you got dragon scales on your face." "Huh?" I then touched my face "What the heck is happening to me!" I started panic even more. I was starting to turn into a Dragon "I-I'll get Gramps." I nodded and Natsu left. The process of turning into a Dragon continued "Why is this happening to me.." Wings started to grow on my back and I screamed in pain "Someone help me!!!" I screamed in pain once more and Gramps and Natsu came in "One of you help me please..." My eyes changed shape and I started to loose my sanity and started to become a ruthless Dragon. Natsu had grabbed me and tried to bring me to the back of the guild. He had put a blanket on me to hide my wings and most of my face "Get off of me!!" I shook of the blanket and everyone in the guild saw me "What the heck is going on." Mystigan came up to me and I grabbed my head in pain "You have to help me... Please..." I then collapsed
~Gajeel's POV~
I had just come back from a job when I saw Angel on the floor of the guild. She looked different. She had wings! "Is she turning into a Dragon?" I went up to Natsu and the others "So Angel's turning into a Dragon huh?" I looked at Natsu "Ya.. She is." Natsu had started crying "Man up and don't cry. Let's get her to the back of the guild." I picked Angel up and brought her to the back of the guild
~Angel's POV~
When I came to, I was in the back of the guild. I still had my Dragon wings and I now had dragon claws and my face and arms were both covered in dragon scales. I could no longer speak so I just roared. "Angel... I wish there was a way to save you.." Natsu looked at me and he was able to understand what I was trying to say "Roar!!!" I screamed in pain and I started crying "Roar!! Roar!!" I just kept roaring and I felt my heart start to slow down. My legs became shaky and I collapsed. I could see Natsu crying and my heart then stopped. I died during the process of turning into a Dragon.

{You thought I would kill off the main character right? Well, you thought wrong!}

The process of turning into a Dragon stopped and I opened my eyes slowly "Roar.." I nuzzled Natsu's leg and then bit it "Owe!! Angel that hurt!" "Roar!!" I didn't let go of Natsu leg. I could no longer control what I was doing. "Angel stop!" "No!" I was somehow able to speak "You were able to talk." "Roar!! No I'm not!" My wings started to grow again and my body then morphed into a dragon. I was no longer a human being "Ahh!!!" I screamed and it turned into a loud roar "What the hell!!! Why is this only happening to me!! One of you better help me before I burn down a forest!!" "We don't know how!" Natsu yelled at me "I swear if one of you can't turn me back, someone's going to get hurt!" This wasn't me talking. It was a whole other side of me talking. I then flew up and left for the forest. I used my Dragon claws and broke three trees "Roar!!!" I then had set fire to the trees. I then could see a Dragon who looked like Acnologia and I went up to him "Father!!" I went up to him "Angel?! What happened to you. You turned into a Dragon." I was only able to talk to Acnologia since I was now a dragon "Maybe you can explain that to me! I randomly turned into a Dragon! I'm no longer a human now! You never told me that I would turn into a Dragon!" I was getting mad "You shouldn't of. I stopped the Dragon seed inside of you from growing. You should still be human." "Well, you clearly didn't!" I got so mad and attacked Acnologia "You dare hit the one who raised you!" I then backed up "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just upset." Acnologia sighed "It's fine.. I just wish there was a way to save you.." "It's fine dad and you have some explaining to do about why you attacked me and my friends on Tenrow island." "I never attacked Tenrow island. If I did, I don't remember." "Oh I see.. Well, I better get going. The others think I might burn down the forest or do something even worse then that. When I talk to them, all that comes out from me is a roar. I can't talk to them." "Well, I hope you get turned back into a human soon sweetheart. I've missed you." "I've missed you too." I then flew back to the guild. My wings started to disappear and I was turning back into a human. After I turned back into a human, I started falling "Ah!!!! What the heck!! I was a Dragon a minute ago!" I then fell onto the ground near the guild "Owe... That really hurt.." I walked back into the guild and everyone ran to me "Angel!!!" Lucy, Erza and Natsu came up to me "Hey guys.. I'm no longer a Dragon somehow.." "I can see that. I'm glad." Natsu smiled at me and I felt a bit weak and his hug hurt "Not so hard.. My body still hurts.." The spot where the wings were left a huge scar on my back  "Sorry." He then let go "It's ok... I-I saw Acnologia in the forest. We had a civil conversation. He told me that he doesn't remember the things he did to Fairy Tail so he apologizes for what he did. Also, he told me that someone must of forced my body to turn into a Dragon because he stopped my Dragon seed from growing." I then remembered about me being a demon and being like END. The demon seed turned me into a Dragon "He apologized? You sure Angel? Also, who would do that." Natsu looked at me and I grabbed his arm "We have to talk privately immediately." I brought him to the back of the guild "The demon seed turned me into a Dragon Natsu."

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now