Chapter 39: Confessing

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A few weeks had now passed and I trained with Jace using the weapons Aldetre gave me "Nice work Angel. You're learning fast." I was in a bit of a daze "Huh? Oh uh thanks Jace." "You okay Angel. You seem a bit out of it." "I'm okay. I was just thinking of someone. That's all." "Who were you thinking about." "I was thinking about my boyfriend. I miss him a lot." "Why don't you go visit him." "It's.. It's complicated. I'm going to take a break." I sighed and went to my room. I then started crying "I miss you Natsu.. I want to go home. I want to come back to Magnolia.." Jace then came in my room and heard what I said "I thought you said you were from Jersey." "Jace! I didn't hear you come in. I guess I should tell you.. You see, I'm from another dimension.. Only Clary and Aldetre know. I was sent here for some reason but I don't know what it is. All I know is that I'm gifted somehow and that I'm supposed to stay here for a year." "Woah.. Well, tell me about your dimension." I told Jace everything "Now I'll show you my powers." I made a flame appear in my hand "Doesn't that hurt? You're not getting burned?" "Nope. The fire is a part of me. Here. Let me show you something else. Ice make bracelet." I made a bracelet with Jace's initial on it "Here you go. It's a bracelet with your initial on it. Also, the ice will never melt." Jace blinked in shock "Wow thanks. You must be pretty cool in your dimension. Get it? Cool.." I chuckled a bit "I get it Jace." We both then laughed together "I'm glad I told you. It's hard not using my powers. I always relied on them back in my dimension." "I can imagine. Well, you'll enjoy it here. Being a shadow hunter is fun but can be tough at times." I nodded and hugged Jace "Thanks for being my friend Jace. I didn't think I would actually make friends here." Jace hugged me back "You're welcome Angel. Do you want to continue practicing or I could teach you how to draw runes using your stele." "Learning runes seems fun." Jace started to teach me how to draw runes and then I suddenly had a vision of one and I drew it. The next thing I know, light is shooting from my hand "How did you do that Angel. Only Clary knows that rune." "I don't know. I had a vision of it and then I drew it." Jace then took me to Clary "Clary, Angel knows the same rune as you. The one where you shoot light out of your hand." Jace explained to Clary "Really? Angel, can you show me?" I nodded and drew the same rune and light came shooting out of my hand "Woah.. Just when I thought I was the only one who knew that rune, you know it too." "Ya.. I still don't know how I knew that rune." I then yawned "I'm going to take a nap. See you guys later." I went into my room and fell asleep. I then dreamt of Magnolia and Fairy Tail "Come on Angel! You said you would go on a job with me today remember!" Natsu smiled at me "I know! I'm coming!" I followed him. Natsu and I went on the job and we had no trouble completing it. Then just when I was having fun, I woke up crying in the institute "It was all a dream.. I miss you Natsu.. I wish I never agreed to come here." I continued to cry and then Izzy came in my room "Angel? You okay?" She then sat beside me "I'm ok Izzy." I wiped away my tears "Do you need me for something?" "Yes, Clary and I are going on this mission to see these people called the Iron Sisters and Aldetre wants you to come with us." "Okay." I then went with Clary and Izzy to see the Iron Sisters. In order to go into the building, we had to take a purity test. I didn't know what it was for but I did it. I somehow passed. It looked like my powers weren't detected. However, when Izzy went in the water to be purified, the water turned black and started to pull her in. I immediately went to help her "Why do you have vampire venom in you." "What are you talking about. Aldetre gave me Yin Fen to heal my wound." "Yin Fen has vampire venom in it. If you have too much of it, you can die Izzy. I know I haven't been here long but I've learned a lot in the past few weeks." Clary then did the purity test and she passed. Then, we put on our regular clothes and Clary and I went into the building. Izzy was not allowed in due to her having Vampire venom in her and she was not considered Pure. A lady named Cleophas brought Clary and I into the building and showed us something about a  Soul sword. I didn't know what is was but Clary did. "So the soul sword can get rid of all down worlders? That isn't good. We can't let that Valentine guy get it." I then heard the same screams that I had heard before "What's with the screaming in my head.. It hurts." "You hear it too Angel?" Clary came close to me "Yes I do." Cleophas then told Clary to activate her hearing rune "Those screams are coming from an angel. The angel is crying. It's rare for one to be on earth." Cleophas was shocked "We have to save it. If Valentine uses the angel, he can activate the soul sword." My head was killing me and I was becoming light headed "Can you take me back to the institute Clary.. I don't feel too good." She nodded and we went back to the institute. When we got there, I saw Natsu! I couldn't believe my eyes. He looked different in this dimension but boy was he hot. Like I mean hot. Abs and everything. "Natsu?! What the heck are you doing here! How did you get here!" "Angel! I've been worried sick! Don't you dare leave without telling me where you're going! Especially when you're going to another dimension like this one." Natsu ran to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry Natsu. I had no choice but to come here. It's complicated." "I'm just glad you're ok." "Um Angel. Can you explain who this guy is and how he got in here." Jace came up to me "Guys, this is Natsu. My boyfriend." "Natsu, these are my friends Jace, Clary, Alec and Izzy." "I met Natsu earlier and I was the one who let him in. When he said that he was looking for you I let him in here." Alec piped up "I see. Thanks Alec. Now it's time for you to go back to Magnolia Natsu. The others in the guild must be worried sick about you." "The guild?" Alec gave a confused look "Yes, a guild. If you guys didn't notice the mark on my hand, it's not a tattoo. It's a guild mark. We have guilds where I'm from." "I remember you mentioning about them to me." Jace smiled "Well, let's get you home Natsu." "But I don't want to go back! I just got here and I'm not leaving without you." "I can't go back. I'm sorry Natsu. I told you that's it complicated." With the snap of my fingers, a portal opened "Goodbye Natsu. I'll see you in a year." I kissed him and Natsu went into the portal. We were both crying "Angel..." Clary saw me crying "I-I need to be alone for a bit." I left the institute and went outside. I roamed around New York. It was a pretty city. The technology was incredible. I've never seen anything like it before. "It's getting late. I should get back to the institute. Oh no. I forgot where it is.. I'm so screwed." I kept walking until I reached this Chinese diner and met a boy who was wearing a suit. I decided to ask him where the institute was. But, before I could ask him, he came up to me "You're Angel right?" "Yes I am. Who are you." "The name's Simon. I'm Clary's friend. Also, if she hasn't already told you, I'm a vampire." "You're a vampire! Cool! I've always wanted to meet one! Where I'm from, they're a myth."

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