Chapter 16: Training

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The Grand Magic games were in three months so we all decided to train hard. Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Juvia and some of the others decided to go to the beach to train. I didn't see how that would help but I guess it was worth the shot. While I trained at the beach, my memories of how to use my magic all came back and I was now more powerful then ever! Rory, my exceed helped me train "That's good Angel but I want you to try it again okay?" I nodded "Sky Dragon! Roar!!!" Rory almost got blown away "Oops. Sorry Rory." "It's ok. You become more powerful then you once were. I'm proud of you." "Thanks Rory." I hugged him tight. That night, I slept with the girls and couldn't wait to train again the next day. The next day, as we were training, Virgo, one of Lucy's spirits came to us and asked for help. She put us in Celestial clothing and we were teleported to the Celestial world "Oh wow! This place is amazing!" What we didn't know was that Virgo had lied! We were only there to celebrate my return from Tenrow island! I couldn't believe it! But what shocked me is, why were they celebrating for me. I'm not a Celestial wizard. But all in all, we had a wonderful time. We partied all night and it was amazing! Unfortunately, one day in the Celestial world is three months in the real world "My training was all for nothing... It's over... I didn't even get to train.." I looked down. Then, Erza got a note from someone and we went to the location they told us to go to. When we got there, we saw Jellal and two girls "Jellal?! You have some expanding to do mister! Why the heck did you leave me when we were supposed to destroy the clock together!" "Sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to leave. I got caught up with the enemy." "Well, if you didn't know this, I got absorbed into the clock and now most of my memories are gone. Some of them come in bits and pieces and they hurt." "I'm sorry." "It's ok... It's all water under the bridge now." Jellal explained what he needs and when I heard the name Zeref, I grabbed my head in pain "Angel? What's wrong." Natsu put his hand on my shoulder "Z-Zeref and E.N.D must be destroyed..." "E.N.D?" Everyone except Jellal was confused. "Angel knows about E.N.D I see. Maybe she knows more then she thinks. She would be useful to us but I'll let her stay with you for now." Ultear then used her magic to allow my magic to grow and open a dormant magic reserve in my body. It hurt a lot "Gaa!!!! I never signed up for this pain.. I've already been through a lot..." I then screamed in pain again. "Hang in there Angel. You can get through it. I know you can." Natsu tried to cheer me up. I kept screaming in unimaginable pain. It was torture and I couldn't bear the pain much longer. The next day came and we all went back to the guild. Gramps then told us who would be competing in the Magic games. It was Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and I "Me?! I'm honoured Gramps but why me." "Angel, you deserve a chance. You're strong." I smiled "Thanks Gramps."

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now