Chapter 11: The Oracion Seis

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We found the clock piece and we took it. We were then sent back to the place we came from "I'm glad that's over. That place was scary for me." "Hopefully the others found their pieces." Gray smiled at me "Ya. I hope they did." We started to walk towards the meeting place. I was hearing voices in my head and I didn't know why "Who's there! Answer me!" "Angel? What's wrong. We didn't say anything." Gray started to get worried "I'm hearing these voices... They want me to follow them.." I kept hearing them "The end is finally within our grasp... The end is finally in our grasp.." I kept repeating that over and over and I started to walk in an hypnotic state. "Angel. Where are you going." Gray came up to me and my eyes were blank and I didn't respond "Guys, something's wrong with Angel." Lyon then tried to see what was wrong "It looks like she's in some hypnotic state." "Hypnotic state? How do we snap her out of it." "We can't... She's under a a very strong spell." Gray saddened and I kept walking. I heard the voices and followed them. I reached a place and snapped out of my hypnosis "What the- How did I get here." "Angel! Where's Gray and Juvia." Lucy smiled at me "I don't know. I don't even remember how I got here." "We're right here!" Gray waved at me "Gray! Could you tell me how I got here!" "You were under some hypnotic spell and we couldn't snap you out of it. But I see that you're no longer under it. I'm glad." Everyone attacked Byro and I suddenly went under the hypnotic spell once more "Must destroy the Infinity clock. Must destroy Zentopia." I attacked Byro while I was under the hypnotic spell "Angel! What are you doing!" "Fairy Magic secret art! Magic absorb!" I was able to absorb all of Byro's magic "What did you just do!" Byron was angry "I took all your magic. That's what I did." Suddenly, the Infinity clock started to build "The end has come! Chaos will prevail!!" I started to laugh maniacally "What's going on with her." Lucy got kinda scared "I don't know. I think someone's controlling her again." Gray saddened. Then some team called the Oracion Seis came and tried to take the clock "I don't think so! You're not taking the clock. Not on my watch!" I attacked all of Orcion Seis with one magic attack and they were blown away by my attack "I guess their not so powerful after all." I laughed manically but then, when the smoke cleared, they were still standing "I guess our hypnosis is not as strong in her as we thought. It seems that she still has some control. Why don't you fix that for us Angel." "My pleasure Lord Brain 2." Someone with my name put me under a deep hypnotic spell. I could only watch as the Oracion Seis attacked my guild mates. There was nothing that I could do "Angel!! Snap out of it!! I know you can!" Gray kept yelling at me but I couldn't snap out of it. The other girl named Angel used her magic and a bright light formed. I was then knocked out. The next thing I know, I'm in the Blue Pegasus guild hall. I couldn't remember a thing. All my memories were hazy "Ng... What the heck happened to me." "Angel! I'm so glad you're ok!" "G-Gray..?"

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