Chapter 33: Celestial Fight

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Two days had now passed and I was watching the spirits do the ritual "This isn't right... You guys are going to die in 12 days after you gain your freedom.." Leo looked at me "We know but we don't care." I sighed and continued watching. Then, out of nowhere, Natsu and the others came "Angel, do me a favour and get rid of them." Leo snapped his fingers and I was under his control "Yes Leo." I then attacked Natsu "Angel, what's with you, snap out of it." I then kept attacking him "Sky Dragon wing attack!" I hit Natsu. Then, Gray and the others came and some princess gave them keys to forcefully close the Celestial gates "You won't get away with this. Leo and the others will gain their freedom." "That's right Angel. We will. Now, sacrifice yourself for that to happen. Don't forget, you'll become an Celestial spirit after this and you'll gain your own key!" I nodded and with one blow, Leo knocked me down to the ground. His attack was very strong and I coughed up blood. "No Angel!!" Natsu ran up to me and Leo snapped his fingers and I was no longer under his control "Pathetic. Angel's just a worthless little brat. We never needed a sacrifice. I just wanted to kill her." Leo smirked and I coughed weakly "Natsu, defeat them and save them from their death." I coughed once more and passed out. When I came to, I was with Cana "Ng.. What happened to me. Wait Cana? What's going on. Are you playing some card game with Scorpio? Oh wait a sec, this is the game where you get to summon your allies. No way, you got to put me in. I even have a special ability that I know you'll like." Cana smiled "You got it! I summon Angel! The elemental Dragon slayer and thanks to her special ability, I gain all my life points back and all the friends that I summoned that were sent to the Celestial trash are now back in my hand. Also, now I get to use Angel to attack you and you'll loose all your life points." "No way! This can't be!" "Go Angel! Attack her head on!" "You got it Cana! Elemental Dragon secret art! Elemental Dragon Roar!!!" I did a direct hit on Scorpio and he was down for the count.  Then, Cana forced his gate to close "Nice job Cana." "Thanks. I owe you. If you hadn't showed up, I probably would've had a harder time beating him." "Very doubtful. You're strong Cana." She smiled. I then had a weird feeling in my chest "For some reason, I feel like I'm missing something really important. Odd." I started to glow and I was summoned to where Natsu, Happy, Carla and Wendy were "Hey guys. No way. Is that the 13th Zodiac spirit? Cool. Also, why do you guys look so bad." I then had stethoscopes wrapped around me "I can't move..." The snake charmer spirit then started to torture us and she tortured me the worst out of the five of us. "Gah!!! This hurts! Please stop!!" After all the torture she gave me, I passed out from the pain. The next thing I know, when I woke up, Natsu was fighting Leo so I helped him. I ate Leo's dark flames and when Natsu and I defeated him and Natsu closed his gate, I felt sick to my stomach and was glowing purple. Natsu was also glowing purple and both our bodies started to heat up "Natsu, what's wrong with us. I'm burning up bad and I feel sick to my stomach." "I don't know Angel. Just pull through it." Lucy and Yukino defeated Libra and Virgo "They pulled it off. Thank goodness.." I almost collapsed but Archadios caught me in time "Steady now Angel." "Th-thanks Archadios." I started to get weaker by the second and I was still burning up. However, Natsu seemed to get better fast but I still felt sick. I the tried to help Natsu attack the last Zodiac spirit "Dark Flame secret art. Black fire Phoenix dance!" The spirit was hit with my attack and Lucy, Yukino and Jade {Jade's the princess} used a spell and hit the Librium. We then had to fight the eclipse version of the Celestial king in the Celestial world. While we fought him, I got hit and was turned into a constellation "Goodbye everyone... I'll miss you." Then, thanks to Natsu defeating the Celestial king, the others and I were no longer a constellation "Natsu!!" I ran up to him "Thank you." I kissed his forehead. The spirits were turned back to normal just like the Celestial world "Lucy, here are your keys." I gave them back to her "Thanks Angel and if you ever want to summon one, you can." She smiled "Thanks." The Celestial King brought us home to the exact day that we left so nothing changed for us. I went back to my apartment and rested for the night

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now