Chapter 15: Remembering

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Natsu introduced me to the others and their names started to become familiar to me once more. "Hey Natsu, can I fight you. Maybe if I fight you, some of my memories might return." He smiled "Sure Angel!" Natsu and I went to the back of the guild and we fought. I kinda forgot how to use my magic so Natsu won "Angel, you didn't fight at full power. What happened." I sighed "It seems that I forgot how to use some of my magic..." Natsu saddened "It's ok. You'll remember soon." Later that day, Gray took me back to my apartment. I had forgotten that I even had one "Angel, you rent this apartment every month. This is where you live." "I live here? Wow.." I went in and I was amazed "Angel, do you remember us being together? You know. As boyfriend and girlfriend?" "We're together? I'm sorry Gray but I don't remember. Sorry.." Gray saddened "I-I have to go do something. I'll be back later." Gray left my apartment "Gray wait!" I looked down "I'm sorry..." I started crying and someone knocked on my door "Angel? You in there? It's Natsu." "I'm here. You can come in Natsu. The door's unlocked." Natsu walked in and I was still crying "Hey, what's wrong. Why are you crying." He came over to me to try and comfort me "Gray asked me if I remember being in a relationship with him but I don't. I hurt his feelings and now I feel so bad." "Don't feel bad. It's not your fault. Do you remember being a Dragon slayer?" "Yes, that I remember. I'm Angel. The Queen of Dragons and the daughter of Acnologia." He smiled "I'm glad that you remembered that. What else do you remember." "I remember that I have an exceed named Rory. He's my best friend and we traveled together ever since Acnologia left me. Also, I remember joining Fairy Tail one day. But everything else is a total blank." "I see. Angel, since you don't remember being with Gray, I want you to know that I feelings for you. I've always had. But when ice princess took you, I couldn't bare it. I really do like you Angel." "Aww. That's sweet Natsu and why did you call Gray ice princess." "Uh no reason."
~Natsu's POV~
Angel's so cute with her beautiful long brown hair and brown eyes. I just want to kiss her! Technically, Angel's not cheating on Gray because she doesn't even remember being with him. Maybe if I can prevent her from remembering, I can be with her. That's it. I've decided. I'm going to kiss Angel. Right here. Right now. {Italics are thoughts} I leaned in slowly and kissed Angel. Her sweet sent put me to heaven
~Angel's POV~
I widen my eyes in shock when Natsu kissed me. His Dragon scent kind of put me in a daze and I kissed him back. I know that Gray said I was with him but I don't even remember being with him so technically, I'm not cheating on him. After a few seconds, I pull away "So uh... That was.." Natsu became nervous "I-I shouldn't of done that. I'm sorry." I smiled "It's ok Natsu. Don't be sorry. I kinda liked the kiss." "You did?" "Yup." Natsu smiled "I'm so relived to hear you say that. Let's just keep our relationship a secret for now okay?" I nodded "Okay." Later that day, Natsu and I went back to the guild. Gramps told us about something called the Grand Magic games "Hey guys, I just realized something. Some of my memory has come back and you know how there was a girl named Angel in the Oracion Seis. I just realized that she's the Earthland version of me.." Everyone blinked in shock and then realized it as well "Now that you mentioned it, you're absolutely right Angel." Gray then smiled at me because he was happy that my memories were coming back.

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