Chapter 34: Becoming a Celestial Mage

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In the middle of the night, I woke up and Jellal was in front of me "Jellal?! How did you get in here." "I need you to come with me. It's about your demon seed and about you being able to use Celestial magic." "What about the demon seed. I haven't turned into a Dragon for a few weeks now." Jellal sighed with relief "That's good. What I really came here for was to tell you how you obtained your Celestial magic. Your Celestial magic has to do with your new hand." "Seriously? Wow.." He nodded "Your new hand was infused with Celestial magic so it would reattach.  I got you some silver keys so you can practice summoning Celestial spirits. You can even make contracts with them if you like." I smiled "Thanks Jellal." He smiled back "You're welcome. I'll leave the keys on your dresser. I guess you don't have to come with me after all. Sorry for waking you. I'll be going now. Meredy's waiting for me." Jellal then left through my front door "I can't believe he went through all that trouble just to give me a few silver keys." I giggle "He's exactly like my brother. Sweet, kind and smart." I then drifted back to sleep. The next morning, I did my usual routine and then went to the guild. I went in the back and tried to summon one of the silver keys that Jellal got me "Open! Gate of the clock God! Tick tock!" A bright light then formed and he came "Hello Angel Heartfillia. It's nice to meet you." "Hello. It's nice to meet you too tick tock. It's my first time summoning a silver key spirit. I usually don't use Celestial magic but because of my new hand, I'm able to summon spirits like you." He nodded "I know. Your hand was infused with Celestial magic. Now, would you like to make a contract? I'm free all the time. You can summon me any time. If you ever need protection, you can come in the free space of my body." I nodded "Sounds good. Thank you tick tock. I look forward to working with you." Tick tock smiled and then left. I then started panting "I only summoned one spirit and I'm already tired. I'm seriously going to have to keep practicing." I then found Loke's key on the ground "Lucy dropped his key again? I better give it back this time instead of trying to summon him." I was about to walk in the guild when Lucy came out of no where "I didn't loose it. I placed it there. I wanted to see if you would summon Loke again instead of giving his key back to me." I jumped a bit "Oh. Well, here's his key Lucy." I gave back Loke's key "Thank you. I saw you summon a silver key. Where did you get it." "Jellal came in my apartment last night and gave them to me." "Jellal was in your apartment?! Didn't you punch him from sneaking in?" "Nah.. I don't mind him coming in. He tries to protect me and I appreciate that. I did get mad but I forgave him after." I smiled. Loke then came out of his free will with his magic "Hey guys." Loke smiled "Hey Loke." He then came up to me "Why don't you and I go out Angel." "That sounds nice and all but I'm with Natsu." He looked down "Oh yeah... I forgot." Loke then went straight to Lucy "How about you and I go out Luce." Lucy blushed a bit "Maybe later Loke." He smiled "Alright then. See you later." Loke then left "You like Loke!" I teased Lucy a bit "I do not!" "Yes you do! Just admit it!" "I said I do not!" Lucy then did one of her Lucy kicks on me and I got flown back "Hey! What was that for!" Lucy then ran and I got up slowly. I then went inside the guild and saw Laxus "Hey Laxus." I smiled warmly at him "Oh hey Angel. I'm glad to see you up and about after everything that's happened to you." "Thanks. I was wondering, would you like to come on a job with me?" Laxus blinked in shock when I asked that "Maybe next time. I'm going on a job with my team." I saddened a bit "Oh ok.." I then walked to a table and sat down "I wonder why Laxus lied to me. His team isn't even here. Evergreen went out shopping, Freed went out too but I don't know where and Bigslow is who knows where." I sighed and Gray came up to me "You okay Angel? You seem a bit down." Gray then sat beside me "I'm fine.." I lied "I know you're lying to me. Tell me what's wrong." I sighed "I asked Laxus if he wanted to go on a job with me and he said that he's going on a job with his team but they're not here. Evergreen, Bigslow and Freed are out so he plain out lied to me but I don't know why." Gray sighed "I think it's best if you don't talk to him. He doesn't go on jobs with anyone but his team." "Oh.. Well, he could of just told me that instead of lying to me." "Maybe he was trying to not hurt your feelings." "Well, I would've preferred the truth then being lied to." I sighed. Then Natsu came up to us "Hey ice princess. What are you doing. Who gave you permission to talk to my girl." I giggled "It's fine Natsu. We're just having a conversation. That's all." Natsu then smirked "I know. I was just playing with ya." Gray sighed and left "Look what you did now. Go apologize to Gray." Natsu sighed and went to apologize to Gray. Before I knew it, Gray, and Natsu started fighting again "They're so going to get it from Erza. She's going to knock them out as soon as she sees them fighting." I chucked a bit and within two minutes of Gray and Natsu fighting, Erza knocked them out. I then decided to go on a S class job on my own. It was a job that would take me about a week to complete and many have died taking the job "Mira, I'm going to take this job." "Angel, you do know that many have died taking that job. Are you sure you're up for it?" I smiled "Of course I'm sure. I'll be back before you know it." I then left the guild and went on my job

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