Chapter 21: The Vision

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Jellal and I walked together and I felt this pain in my chest "You alright?" "I think so. I sense something off here. I think that's why I felt pain in my chest." "You sense it too?" I nodded "It feels like Zeref but it's not." I then had a vision and I started to mumble something "The eclipse project is coming soon. 500+ Dragons will come and destroy anyone in their path. All will perish." I then snapped out of it "Angel, do you remember what you just said." "Huh? Uh I think so. Did I mention something about some eclipse project and 500+ Dragons coming?" Jellal nodded "I don't even know how I knew that. I just had a vision about it." "It's worse then I thought. We have to tell the others." The next day came and it was the next competition. I sat out because I didn't want to do a water battle so Lucy went instead. Then, when it was the final two, this really powerful wizard from Sabertooth started clobbering her! She took Lucy's keys and kept hitting her! She wouldn't let Lucy fall out of the water ball "This isn't right! Stop hurting her!!!" My body started to glow and I got very angry. My magic levels were going through the roof! "Minerva! You're going to pay!! Big time!" The ref called off the fight and Minerva dropped Lucy! Lucy wasn't even moving and I went after her. "Fire Dragon secret art! Flaming fire wing attack!!!" I hit Minerva right in the face and she sent flying back "That's what you get for attacking my best friend and my guild mate!!!" My body kept glowing and my power kept getting stronger and stronger "Angel calm down!" "How can I! Minerva hurt Lucy and I won't tolerate it!!" A huge Dark cloud then formed in the sky "What is going on here! Is this dark magic coming from the Dragon Queen herself?" The announcer and everyone else were getting worried "Angel! You got to calm down! It's getting out of control!" Natsu came up to me and calmed me down. The dark cloud disappeared "Sorry Natsu.. I don't know what came over me." "It's alright." We then brought Lucy to the infirmary "Sabertooth is going to pay. I'm versing them next round. Natsu, since it will be a double battle, it will be me and you against Sting and Rouge." "Sounds good to me!" The next day came and Natsu and I versed Sting and Rouge "You're going to pay for what happened to Lucy! When I'm done with you, you won't be able to get up for days!" The gong went off and the battle commenced "Sky Dragon! Roar!!!!" The attack hit Sting. Later into the battle, I brought out my Dragon Force "Elemental Dragon force activate!!!" The sky turned black "It's all over for you two now. Be prepared to be defeated." "You summoned your Dragon Force at will?!" "Yup! Elemental secret art! Sky, water, earth and fire combine! Elemental lotus attack!!" My attack hit Sting head on and he was down for the count "I told you I was going to win..." Natsu defeated Rogue and Fairy Tail won the round "Unbelievable! What an amazing fight! Natsu Dragneel and Angel Heartfillia win the round for Fairy Tail!" The announcer cheered. Fairy Tail was now number one "We did it..." I then collapsed
~Natsu's POV~
"Yes! Angel we, won..." I saw her collapse and I ran to her "You over did it.." She smiled at me "I guess I did.." She closed her eyes and I let her rest in my arms. I took her to the others.
~Angel's POV~
I woke up in Natsu's arms "Natsu... I want you to know that I love you. I remember being with Gray but he doesn't know that I remember. Let's keep it that way please. I want to be with you..." "If that's what you wish my little fireball." He kissed my forehead and I smiled. I snuggled up close to his chest and he brought me to the others. We then celebrated that night and I had the same vision I had before. In my vision, I saw myself bleeding out and the blood grossed me out and I was going to puke "Angel? You ok? You look like you're about to puke." I then swallowed the puke back "No. I'm not. Natsu, we're all going to die in the next two days. I had a vision and saw all of us dead..." Everyone blinked in shock "How did we die." "Dragons. Everyone except you and Lucy died. I died from bleeding out.." "That can't be right. Angel. You haven't eaten in a few days. It's probably a hallucination." I sighed "Maybe." Gajeel then told Natsu, Wendy and I to follow him and brought us to a cave filled with dragon bones "Oh wow.." Wendy then used a spell and communicated with a dead dragon! It was amazing! The dragon then mentioned my father Acnologia "You mean Acnologia?! He's my Dragon father!" "Then you, should be dead. You should be slain and shouldn't exist. You don't know how evil you will become. You will eventually become him and kill all who oppose you." I gulped "I know... I already know my fate." "Angel don't say that!" "It's fine Natsu. I deserve to die."

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now