Chapter 28: The Fight

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"Hey Angel, it's been awhile." The man looked exactly like Jellal and since I just saw him recently, I knew who it was "Brother!!" I hugged him tight "How are you here. What about Edolas." "Edolas has magic again and I have someone taking over while I'm gone. It's good to see you again." "It's good to see you too. Please come in. Make yourself at home." I got Jellal something to drink "Here you go." "Thank you. Now I need to tell you something." "What is it." "Father's dead. A year after I banished him, I went looking for him and I found his body near a stream. I'm really sorry." "Father's gone? First I lost my adoptive parents. Then Acnologia leaves me and now this?! Why does everyone I know die or leave me..." I tear up "I'm really sorry Angel." "It's fine. I'm glad you're ok. Hey um. Can the Edolas version of Fairy Tail come visit?" "They're already here. Look out your window." I then look out my window "Natsu! Lucy! Gray! Levy! It's so good to see you! I'll be right down!" I grabbed my stuff and left a note for Natsu explaining everything and letting him know that I'll be at the guild. I then went outside and hugged them "It's so good to see you guys again." "It's good to see you too." Lucy smiled "We have to go to the guild. Just wait till everyone at the guild sees you." I smiled and dragged them to the guild. When I went in, everyone looked at the Edolas versions of Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Levy. "Um why does Gray-sama have so many cloths on." Juvia came up to me "Juvia, meet Edolas Gray. Edolas Gray, meet Juvia." Both of their eyes met and Gray grabbed Juvia's hand and she blushed. They then walked away together "Well that just happened." I smiled. Earthland Lucy saw the Edolas version of her and came up to us and dragged Edolas Lucy somewhere so they could talk "Uh ok..." I then turned to Natsu "So how's Fairy Tail in Edolas." "It's good. Somehow we got magic back so everything's going good for us. Lucy still hurts me.." "She does? Why?" I then send a glare to Lucy and she nodded when she knew that I wanted to talk to her later "I'll settle that with Lucy later. She won't last with my Dragon slayer magic." "Angel, she's powerful now ever since we got magic back in Edolas." "Natsu, I'm know as the Queen of Dragons here. I can handle her." He smiled "Thanks Angel. I forgot how much you rock." I smiled back and hugged him "I'm really glad that you guys are here." "I'm glad too." Later that day, Edolas Lucy and I went to the back of the guild to talk "So I hear you're still hurting Natsu. What's up with that." "Who told you. If it was Natsu, I'm going to pound him." "This is what I'm talking about. You like Natsu, just admit it and stop hurting him." Lucy then sighed "You're right. I do like him. But I just don't know how to show it." "I can help you with that. I'm with the Natsu from here and he's the opposite of Edolas Natsu so how do you think I feel dealing with a rambunctious Natsu. He can be an idiot sometimes but he's sweet and kind." "You're right about that. I'll go talk to my Natsu without hurting him ok?" "Ok but I'll be watching." She smiled and hugged me "Thanks for being such a good friend. I missed you in Edolas." "You're welcome and I missed you too." I then watched Lucy talk to Natsu without hurting him. They hugged and even kissed. "Eeeep!" I kinda fan girled. Lucy glared at me and I looked the other way. Then, my Natsu came up from behind me "Guess who." "Natsu?" "You bet." "I'm glad you're back. Did you see my note?" "Ya I did and I saw the others from Edolas." "I'm glad that they got magic back. I'm happy for them." I coughed weakly "You ok? I got the medicine for you." "You did? Thanks Natsu. I love you." I then leaned in to kiss him but I wasn't sure if I should. I then felt Natsu's warm hands on my cheeks and he pulled me into the kiss. I blushed a lot. "I love you Angel. You're my little fireball and I'll never let you go." I smiled "Natsu, can I ask you something." "Sure. What is it." "Remember how on the first day I came to Fairy Tail and we fought? Well, it's been 12 years today since I came. I want to fight you again." "Sounds fun. I won't go easy on you." "I know." Natsu and I went to the back of the guild. Everyone heard about Natsu and I fighting so they all came to watch "Cream him Angel! I know you can!" My brother cheered me on and I smiled "Let's do this Natsu! Sky Dragon Roar!!!" When I thought Natsu was going to get blown away, he jumped right into my attack! With quick thinking, I used another spell "Lightning Fire Dragon Roar!!" Everyone gasped when I used that move. The only other person to know it was Natsu but I didn't know that. Luckily, Natsu's attack was weaker then mine so he got blown back "Woah.. When did Angel learn that." I could hear Laxus in the background. Since I got distracted from Laxus talking, I got hit with an attack from Natsu "Lucky shot. Water Dragon secret art! Water Nebula!!" Natsu got hit with my attack. "Come on Natsu! You can do better then this! Show me how strong you are." "I'm fired up now! Fire Dragon secret art! Fire Dragon Flaming Lotus!" I tried to absorb Natsu's attack but I couldn't. I felt this pain in my chest and I got hit with Natsu's attack and got flown back "Angel should've absorbed his attack. Something's wrong." I could hear my brother talking but I got up "I'm fine." I then charged at Natsu "Fire Dragon iron fist!" Just as I was about to land my attack, my vision became blurry and I missed. Natsu then hit me with an attack and I got blown back into a tree. I could see Mystigan coming up to me and everything went dark and I blacked out
~Mystigan's POV~
"Angel!" I ran to her. She was out cold "Guys she's out cold. Natsu, what did you do." "I didn't do anything!" "Well you clearly did something! She's out cold!" "I swear I didn't mean to hurt her. It was just supposed to be a friendly fight... She wanted this." "I know she did. Something's wrong with her. When you were fighting, she should of absorbed your fire from when you did your secret art attack but she didn't." "I noticed that. I'll go get Gramps. Maybe he can see what's wrong." I nodded and Natsu went to go get Gramps. Then Laxus came up to me "Is she ok?" I shook my head "I'm afraid not. Something's wrong with her fire magic but I don't know what it is."
~Angel's POV~
I opened my eyes slowly "Wh-what happened.."

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