Chapter 41: Finding out the truth of my Origin

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When I came to, Valentine had the soul sword in his hands "Finally, you're awake. Now you know what to do." I gulped "I won't do it! I'm not going to kill innocent down worlders!" Valentine sighed "I was really hoping not to do this but I guess I'll have to." Someone then came in "What are you going to do." "You'll see." The person was a warlock and they trying to put me under a spell. But what they didn't know was that Jellal from my world made me immune to any spells "It won't work you know." The warlock casted the spell "Activate the soul sword Angel." "No." I chuckled a bit "If you haven't figured it out already, I'm immune to any spells." "How. Tell me now." "No. I won't do your dirty work for you Valentine. You can try to do anything you want to me but I still won't help you. You're just a sick bastard and you'll be a murder if all the down worlders are killed." Valentine sighed once more "You will activate the soul sword for me. I have my ways Angel. I have my ways." Valentine then left "I got to open a portal. But I don't know if I can in here. Welp, there's one way to find out." I managed to open a portal and went through it. When I landed, I was on someone's terrace "It looks like a party is going on. Hey wait a second. I see Clary." I went in and Clary saw me "Angel!" She came up to me "I'm so glad you're ok. When you didn't respond back when you called me, I got worried. I thought my father had done something to you." I smiled "He tried torturing me again but I never gave in." I winced in pain "Let's get you to Magnus. He can heal you." I nodded "Who's party is this by the way." "Oh uh. It's Izzy's and Alec's brother's party. He's getting his first rune." "Aww. How sweet." Jace then saw me "Thank goodness. We got worried. How did you escape." "I opened a portal and I ended up here." I winced in pain again. Clary then took me to Magnus and he saw my rune that had the angel wings on it "How do you know this rune." "Huh? It suddenly appeared on my arm a couple of days ago." "The angel Rafael was the only one to have this rune. You have pure angel blood. It looks like you're connected to him somehow." "Really? No way. No wonder Valentine wanted to use me to activate the soul sword. It's because I have pure angel blood. But how is that possible for me. I'm not from the dimension. angel's don't exist in my dimension." Then, a lady came up to me "It's because of me Angel darling. I'm the one who gave you pure angel blood." "You! You're the one who told me to come here!" "That's right Angel. Now be a good girl and come to me." She snapped her fingers and I went to her. I couldn't control my body "Who are you and what do you want with Angel." I could hear Clary yell "I'm her mother of course. You see, I was originally from here and so was Angel. I was sent to the other dimension with Angel. But now that I managed to get back here, I wanted Angel to become a shadow hunter. Now that's finished, she can activate the soul sword and rid the world of down worlders." "You're working with Valentine aren't you." "That's correct Clarissa. I'll be off now." I felt my mom tug on my arm and pull me away. Magnus then stopped her and sent her through a portal. My body started to feel numb and I collapsed. I couldn't feel my body and the others voices were faint "Angel! Hang in there. You'll be ok." Clary tried help me stay awake and they took me back to the institute "C-Clary... I can't feel my body.." "Hang in there Angel. Magnus is trying to find a spell to cure the numbness." "Why would my mother do this.. I can't believe she's been alive all this time. I still can't believe that I'm actually from here. But if I'm from here, then how am I able to use my magic. Did my body somehow fuse with the other world? I'm so confused at this point.." Clary smiled at me "The important thing is that you're ok. We contacted Natsu and Magnus is going to open a portal for him after. He doesn't know what happened yet. But when he comes, we'll tell him." "No... I don't want him to come. I don't want him to worry about me." Magnus then came in "I found a spell to cure the numbness." "Thank you Magnus. I owe you one." "You're welcome and you don't owe me anything." Magnus casted the spell and the numbness went away. I started to get up slowly and one of my runes started glowing. It was the rune that had the angel wings on it "Woah.." I heard an angel talk to me. They told me to destroy the soul sword before Valentine gets the chance to activate it. "Right. I'll destroy it." The voice went away "What just happened Angel." Clary was a bit confused "The angel's want me to destroy the soul sword. But I have to find it without Valentine noticing me. If he finds out then... He'll capture me again and use me to activate it.." I could then hear a conversation outside. It looked like a shadow hunter meeting with a few downworlders "Angel Heartfilla and Clary Fairchild must be executed so that Valentine can't get them and use them to activate the soul sword." Aldetre said "Clary, you and I have to go now. The clave and the downworlders wants us dead so Valentine can't use us to activate the soul sword." "What? No way." "I'll create a portal and go to my world. We'll be safe there. At least you will. As for me, I have someone after me there too." I opened the portal and Clary pushed me in. That was the last time I saw her. When I got through the portal, I ended up at the guild and I could see everyone running towards me "Angel!!!" I could hear Lucy yelling as she hugged me "Where the hell have you been! You had us so worried!" "Well... Um.. You see.." My runes were still on my arm and neck "Uh Angel. What's on your arm and neck." Natsu then came up to me "Angel! You're ok! Last time I saw you was when that guy Valentine had you." Natsu hugged me "Ya.." "Who's Valentine." Lucy was confused "I'll explain." I told everyone everything "Woah.. So you're not from here? You're from another world all together?" Erza tried to clarify everything "Yes Erza. That's correct. My mother was a shadow hunter and then somehow went to Edolas. So technically, I basically have two mothers and four dads." "Four dads?" Lucy gave me a confused look "Yes, four dad's. My earth dad, the former Edolas king, my adoptive dad and Acnologia. I wouldn't really consider him a dad but he was one to me when I first met him." "Wow.." I then try opening a portal but it was no use "Damn Clary. How did you block me from opening portals.." "Who's Clary." "Clary was a fellow shadow hunter. Do you guys want to see something cool?" They nodded. I got out my stele and drew the rune that makes light come out of my hand on my hand. Light then shot out of my hand "Woah.. So it's pure light? Not lighting?" Gray looked at me "Yup. Also, only shadow hunters can use stele's." I then yawned "I'm going to go guys. I'm really tired." They nodded and I went to my apartment. I payed the rent with the money I still had and went to bed "Why Clary.. Why didn't you come with me." I sighed. In the middle of the night, I heard ruckus in the kitchen and I went to go check it out "Hello? Who's there." This lady then came up to me "Are you Angel Heartfillia?" "Who wants to know." "The names's Dot. I came to warn you about Valentine. He's going to come after you here. You have to block portals access to this world before he comes here." "Why should I believe you." "I work with Valentine and I know what he's doing. Just trust me." Dot left and I closed portal access for Valentine "There. Now Valentine can't come get me here." I went back to bed and slept for the night. The next morning, I went to the guild and no one was there "Guys? Did I come too early?" I then sat down at a table in the guild "Well good morning Angel." Valentine came up to me holding a blade to Natsu's throat "Valentine?! But how! I closed the portal access! Let Natsu go! Please!" "How about no." Valentine laughs and slit Natsu's throat "No!!" I woke up crying "It.. It was all a dream.." I sighed and got out of bed. I then got ready and went to the guild. When I got there, Valentine was standing at the doors "How are you here. I closed your portal access." "My dear, dear Angel. You're not happy to see your own father? I can't believe you haven't realized it." "A father doesn't torture their own child and you're not my father! I thought you were only's Clary and Jace's dad." "Your mother and I were really close after Joslin left me. She even had you when we were together so that makes you my daughter. Now be a good girl and come with me." "No! I'm not doing your dirty work!" I attacked Valentine with my powers and he was blown into the guild doors and they opened slightly. I then grab Valentine by the collar of his shirt "You're in my domain now. I suggest you leave and never come back. Do I make myself clear?" "Your threats don't scare me Angel but I'll leave. Just know that I will be back." I put Valentine down and he left through a portal. Everyone in the guild saw me and Erza came up to me "Who was that." "That was Valentine. Turns out he's my real dad..." "No way really?" "Yes.." I sighed and sat down at a table

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now