The Hybrid - Klaus

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A large snarl let loose from my lips as my bones began to crack in my hand.

"I'll do it." I snarled. "Then you'll be sorry."

"You wouldn't dare." The blonde vampire warned, the veins under his eyes darkening.

"Oh, but I would." I taunted, cocking my neck to the side and hearing a loud pop as the bones down my spine began to move.

The vampire before me watched wearily, still seeming unsure if I was actually about to turn or not.

"You're bluffing." He growled, stepping back as my back cracked and my body jerked forward.

"Am I?"

Suddenly, I fell forward and I felt myself begin to transition. As my body shifted into a wolf, I let out a loud howl as the final bones clicked into place. I stood before the vampire on all fours, my bright yellow eyes staring him down. He seemed unable to comprehend that now I was in my wolf form, I was about to kill him, just like I promise when he tried to feed on me. As if to say, 'I told you so', I let out a nasty snarl, baring my teeth and taking a step forward. The earth felt crunchy with leaves under my paws and the plants cracked as I stepped on them. My eyes were narrowed in on the vampire, who was frantically trying to think of a way out, knowing he could never match me. I barked, probably scaring the shit out of him, for without much thinking, he ran. In an instant, I was on his tail.

My paws thudded against the ground as I gained speed, catching up to him and nipping at his heels. He let out a quick hiss before trying to cleverly turn, hoping to knock me off of him for a bit. However, I saw his plan before he even made the first move. As he began to run to the side, I lunged, catching the flesh of his calf in between my teeth and tugging him to the ground. He fell easily, the werewolf venom already taking ahold of his body. Deciding to let him die instantly wasn't enough for me. Due to my hatred of vampires, once he was down, I continued to leave large gaping wounds across his body, the largest one on his neck. The vampire lay there inert, not yet dead but injected with so much venom, he would die, in a few days, a tortured death. While he was unconscious, I turned to the woods, slowly shifting back into my normal form, and momentarily forgetting my clothes, which were torn up back where I had turned. However, after having to go through the process so many times before I became a hybrid, I got used to the feeling of coming back to my human form bare. It didn't quite bother me anymore.

As I walked over to the vampire's body, his breathing shallow and raspy, I bend down and gently ran a finger over the wound on his neck.

"Those are some nasty bites." A voice came from the cleaning beside me.

My head whipped around and saw a figure, a man, walking towards me.

"Who are you?" I snarled, hoping to scare him off, but he continued to make his way over.

As he got closer, I could clearly see his face. Dusty, curly blonde hair on his head, green-blue eyes, and the plumpest lips I had ever seen. He had a pretty nice build too, with broad shoulders and a tall form. As he approached, I sensed the dominance in his being, and I already knew he didn't like to be challenged.

"Who are you?" I repeated again, watching as his eyebrows raised at my forcefulness.

"No need to fear me, love, I was just watching the show you put on, and I must say, I'm quite impressed."

"Really? I was hoping you would be!" I exclaimed sarcastically before putting on a straight face again. "Why are you here?"

"Feisty, are we?" He chuckled. "I am here because I saw a beautiful girl turn into a werewolf all on her own without a full moon."

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