Nice Try - Elijah

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I stood by the window, watching the Mikaelson siblings as they stood on the porch, deep in conversation. Most of them looked tired and worn out, Klaus looked hyped up and angry as always, and Elijah seemed almost on edge.

I had been living with the Mikaelsons for some a couple months now. I was cousins with Camille, who at the time had been living with Klaus, so they invited me to stay as well. What I didn't know was that she happened to tell the family what a flirt I was, and about my tendency to sleep with whoever called me pretty. Klaus didn't care, for he had Cami, and Kol would fuck anything that moves, but Elijah was the noble one, and he happened to be the one that caught my eye in particular. Over the last few weeks of my stay, I attempted to pull my usual tricks that would instantly have a guy begging to be in my bed, but Elijah was different. He either didn't notice the hints I was giving him, or he didn't care enough to address them. Either way, I was shocked, never being ignored like this before, which resulted in me only trying harder.

I was currently standing by my window with the glass pane cracked just enough so that I could hear their conversation. They were talking of some new enemy in the quarter and how they needed to protect the city. Suddenly, half of the family separated and disappeared down the street leaving Klaus and Elijah alone. I leaned against the window frame, pressing my ear to it in hopes of hearing them better.

"This is a dangerous time, Elijah." Klaus spoke in a concerned tone. "Cami will not be pleased if her little cousin is caught in the middle of our family fiascos. You will stay here with her while the rest of us finish things up in the city. I will let you know when it is safe again to bring her back to our original home."

"Niklaus, you are expecting me to do nothing?" Elijah growled. "I can't just sit here and babysit some girl! As much as I adore Camille, I need to be by your side, brother. I need to know the situation is under control."

"And we do have it under control, brother. Don't worry. Our siblings, Cami, and I will handle it. For now, watch young Alexis, and keep her safe. It shouldn't be too hard to get her to listen. I've noticed that she's taken quite a liking to you."

"Quite a liking indeed." Elijah slowly leaned towards his brother's ear, talking quiet enough that I couldn't hear his next words. "Every time I turn I swear she's trying to seduce me."

Klaus laughed, simply patting his brother on the back. "And what? You don't enjoy it?"

"At this particular time, no."

"Don't be so uptight, Elijah." Klaus rolled his eyes.

I nearly jumped from my skin as Elijah and Klaus parted ways, and the eldest original headed back inside of the house. I quickly went to my closet, seeming to be shifting through my clothes when Elijah walked into the room.

"Alexis, I must inform you that your cousin and the rest of my family have headed back to New Orleans."

"Oh?" I asked, pulling out an old shirt that fit like a dress on me and placing it on the bed. "How come?"

"They had business to attend to. Camille and Klaus thought it best for you to stay here under my protection."

"How sweet of my cousin." I smirked, knowing that Camille, who was well aware of my crush on Elijah, was simply trying to help as well as keep me safe.

"Yes, well, she definitely does seem to care about you, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, she does." I smiled, walking towards the full length mirror and turning my back to it, attempting to pull down the zipper of my sundress. When I pulled it down a bit, I feigned failure. "Elijah? Would you be a dear and help me? The zipper is stuck."

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