Asked For It - Damon & Stefan

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"We're doing what?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Stefan doesn't know how to have fun. So we're gonna teach him." Damon replied, tipping his head back and finishing his glass of bourbon. "So what do you say?"

"I don't know." I tucked my hair behind my ear. "My answer really depends on what exactly we're going to do to make Stefan 'have fun'. That doesn't necessarily sound like an easy task given that Stefan is the most uptight person I know."

"Oh come on, Penny. How hard could it be?"

"Like I said, it's not going to be an easy task."

"Sweet cheeks, we're gonna cover his car in soap. It's a classic. He'll think it's hilarious!"

"Soap." I repeated. "May I ask why?"

"It's amusing and can you imagine the look on my baby's brother's face when he sees his beloved old lady car covered in white fluffy bubbles?"

"I guess that would be quite amusing." I rolled my eyes chuckling. "But how are you going to distract him?"

"That's where you come in." Damon grinned. "I want you to keep him busy and away from the front of the house. With my speed, all I need is a solid fifteen minutes."

"Alright, alright." I nodded. "But if this backfires, we tell Stefan that you compelled me to distract him."

"Fine, I'll gladly take the blame for such an amazingly awesome idea."

"Get going, Damon." I chuckled, going down the stairs and out front to find Stefan who had just arrived home from the store. "Hey, Stef."

"Hey, Penny. Would you mind grabbing the last grocery bag from the car?" He asked, his arms full of plastic bags.

"Sure. What did you buy?"

"Just the essentials." He replied, carrying them into the kitchen with me hot on his tail.

"We should bake something!" I exclaimed. "You have all of the ingredients here for cookies."

"It depends on what kind of cookies we are talking about." He asked, sending me a wink.

"Oatmeal raisin?"

"Sounds delicious. Good thing I just bought some more raisins."

"Let's get cooking!" I grinned, hoping that I was able to stall him long enough for Damon to work.

"What ingredients do we need to pull out?"

"Butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking soda, and some salt for starters."

"Got it."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow whiz through the entrance of the house. I knew Damon was up to no good. I continued to help Stefan gather up all the ingredients, and we both worked together to combine them. When I was about to crack the last two remaining eggs, I caught sight of Damon in the doorway. He was grinning, giving me a curt nod to send me the message that his work was done.

"Get him to go outside." He mouthed, before pointing to the egg in my hand, and then pointing to the floor.

I took a deep sigh, hating to waste a perfectly good egg. Reluctantly, I pretended to aim for the bowl, but I let the egg slip from my grasp and shatter on the floor. The egg yolk and the whites dispersed across the hardwood and I immediately went into a fake apologizing mode.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I am so clumsy."

"It's okay." Stefan laughed.

"No it's not." I replied. "We needed two eggs and now we only have one."

"I can go to the store again." He smiled, wiping his hands on a towel.

"Are you sure? You just went out."

"I'll be fine. You stay here and finish up while I go and get some more eggs from the store."

I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing as I watched him exit the kitchen and pull open the front door.



It was then that I raced to the front door, laughs already slipping through my lips. In the driveway Stefan stood with his mouth open, eyebrows furrowed in anger, and his gaze on what once was his red car now covered in white soapy bubbles.

"Damon!" Stefan yelled again, spinning on his heels as I stepped out onto the porch.

"Oh my." I giggled. "What a mess!"

"This isn't funny, Penny! Look what my idiot brother has done to my car!"

"I believe I made it into a masterpiece." Damon chuckled, emerging from behind the car. "I think I did quite a good job, don't you, Pen?"

"I'm not getting into this." I laughed.

"Damon, you've ruined my car!" Stefan growled.

"It's just soap, Stefan." I gently placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to suppress a laugh. "Just rinse it off with water."

"Yeah, Stefan." Damon mimicked my voice by raising his higher than it should have gone.

"Damon!" Stefan growled, hushing instantly the moment I let out a loud laugh. He cocked his head, his eyes trained on mine. "Penny, please tell me you had nothing to do with this."

"I didn't." I squeaked out.

"Your voice always gets extremely high when you're lying, Pen." Damon chuckled. "Both Stefan and I know that."

"Penny! How could you!" Stefan hissed racing over to the car's side.

In an instant, a giant glob of soap hit me in the face. I gasped out loud, trying my best to wipe it away without smearing my makeup.

"Stef what the hell?!" I snapped, opening my eyes only seeing him get nailed in the face with soap by Damon.

I let out a small giggle as Stefan got his brother back. Grabbing a handful of soap from the windshield, I jumped onto Stefan's back when he wasn't looking and rubbed the white bubbles all over his head.

"Oh shit, not the hair!" Damon chuckled, faking a shocked look on his face.

In an instant, I was yanked off of Stefan's back and thrown against Damon. The two of us stumbled backwards into the brick wall by the door, laughs slipping from our lips. I wobbled slightly, almost completely losing my balance, but Damon grasped by arm, steadying me. I turned to look at Stefan who stood with a small grin on his face.

"Are you two done?"

"Yes." I giggled. "I'm done."


"I may or may not be done." Damon smirked, but I elbowed him in the ribs eliciting a groan on his part. "Ow, Pen! Okay, okay, I'm done."

"Good." Stefan laughed. "I do hope you two expect something back in return real soon."

"Oh, little brother, trust me I'll be prepared."

"We'll see about that."

I watched as both brothers were instantly caught in a stare down, but I quickly interrupted.

"Okay, I get that you guys feel the need to compete, but can you do it after Stefan gets back with the eggs? I want oatmeal cookies."

"Always thinking about your stomach, Penny?" Stefan laughed.

"Of course! Now are we finishing the cookies or what?"

"Yes, we will finish your cookies." Damon responded. "Stef, you go get the eggs, I'll help little Miss Cookie Monster over here get the ingredients ready."

"Yay!" I cheered, already tasting the cookies on my tongue, and giving both boys a happy smile.


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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