My Forever - Damon

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Plot request by KlaudiaKlauR5 💕

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Plot request by KlaudiaKlauR5 💕


Life's a journey. Isn't that what they always say? There's always the hardships that you face, the ups, the downs, the crazy insane hurdles that you have to leap over, but in the end, you find your way. You always find your way. Whether you do it on your own or because of another person, that's a different story. Some people can survive by themselves, take care of themselves, be strong within themselves. Others, like me, rely on someone else to help us through. We need the warmth and strength of human contact and compassion to propel us through the hard times. For those people, it's usually one person in particular that helps. That one person is always there, always by your side, walking you through life, being your shoulder to cry on. That one person could be your everything. They could be your guardian angel, lifting you up high above the ground and away from your problems until you figure out how to solve them successfully. That person can hold so much love for you in their heart, so much passion, so much undeniable loyalty. They are your savior, your forever.

That person for me was a sarcastic, sassy vampire named Damon Salvatore, and he was my forever.

I could remember the first night we met, although it was definitely not as glamorous as you'd expect. I was heading home from a late night with my friends, Bonnie and Caroline. I had left Caroline's home around eleven, and the world around me was pitch black, not a single star in the sky. As I wandered down the streets of Mystic Falls, trying to figure out my way home in the dark, I stumbled into someone. Now, I know what you're thinking, and no it was not Damon. It was a hungry, vicious newborn vampire looking for a fresh meal, and I practically walked right onto his plate. The memories of when he attacked me were a bit blurry, and I vaguely remember him sinking his teeth into the flesh of my neck. I can still feel the numbness that washed over my entire body as the vampire practically drained me dry. I thought I was going to die. Thankfully, Damon had on his hero hair that night and came up from behind, snapping the newbie's neck. As I fell to the floor alongside the now dead vampire, Damon knelt down beside me, immediately feeding me his blood so that I would heal. When I officially came to, it took me a few seconds to register what had just happened. Let's just say I might have had a freak out, however, after looking deep into Damon's icy blue eyes, I became transfixed. I was instantly calmed. He managed to get me to tell him where I lived and he helped me home. The next day, I tried to quickly forget about what had happened, hoping that it was some sick dream my brain had concocted, but lo and behold, there was Damon standing on my porch as I left for school. He wanted to see if I was okay.

After a few more weeks of him showing up everywhere, checking up on me and making sure I was safe, he finally asked me out on a date. Even though I was hesitant at first, given that he was a vampire, the way he seemed to trust me with his secret propelled me to accept his offer. The date itself was amazing, but being with Damon made me feel so many new feelings that I had never experienced before. He was dangerous, and at the same time he felt so safe. He was kind, respectful, and compassionate, despite the reputation that he built up for others. He loved deeply, with everything that he had, and he was nothing that I ever would have pictured myself falling for. But there was something about him. Something about those blue eyes, something about that perfect smile, those broad shoulders, that sexy leather jacket.... All of it drove me insane, and I fell hard.

That one night I spent at his house, the night that I made the decision to give in to what I was feeling was the night my life changed for the better. Damon had been so kind, inviting me into the Salvatore Boarding House after one of our dates, offering me a cup of hot chocolate and snuggling up beside me on the couch. It was peaceful until he started to play his old records, particularly the ones from the fifties, which was my favorite type of music. We began to dance, crazily at first, but then it eventually turned into a slower speed. The two of us began to slow dance, enjoying each other's company. Later in the evening, when Damon had asked me to be his girlfriend, I was overjoyed. I kissed him passionately, exclaiming the obvious answer, and the two of us eventually made our way up to his room. That night, one of the best of our relationship, was something I would never forget, or regret. It was probably the night that I knew I loved him.

A couple months later, our relationship had gotten even stronger, however, it was quite quickly put to the test. When Stefan had stolen the four coffins from Klaus Mikaelson as an attempt at a revenge scheme, I was punished. Klaus found me alone one night walking home from Bonnie's, trapped me, fed me his blood, and snapped my neck. When I woke up, I was in Damon's arms. He was sitting on his bed, cradling me against his chest. His cheeks shone under the soft lamplight, indicating that he had been crying, and the sight nearly broke my heart. He genuinely thought I had died. But what really had happened was even worse. I was dead. I was a vampire. As I shifted in his arms, letting him know I was still with him, Damon nearly cried out for joy, until he realized the only way I could be awake. It didn't take him long to realize what Klaus had done. And it definitely didn't take him long to attack Stefan for being so careless.

Weeks passed and I struggled. Being a vampire just wasn't in my nature. I couldn't bare to hurt people, or animals, so all I could feed from were blood bags. I wasn't a ripper like Stefan, but I did find it difficult to be around humans. At first, I could barely be in the same room as Bonnie or Matt or Jeremy without thinking of tearing out their throats. It was the worst feeling in the world. I couldn't bare the thoughts that I was having, and Damon knew it. He tried everything to help me through my early days, teaching me not to fight the blood, but not to give into it either. He would always tell me: don't let it control you. I understood what he meant for the most part, but following his words was definitely one of the most difficult things I ever had to do. Caroline helped me too, especially when she went to Klaus and let him have it for turning me. That was probably the most amusing thing to happen since I turned.

Months passed and I began to learn to not let the blood control me. I could walk around town, be with the people and not feel the urge to rip into their necks. It was liberating not having to worry anymore, and it was all thanks to Damon. He helped me each and every day, walking me through the pros and cons of being a vampire, how to survive, how to stay under the radar of the humans. He was an excellent teacher. He was my savior.

As I lay in bed beside him now watching him sleep peacefully with his right arm draped casually over my waist, I smile to myself thinking about how far we've come. Less than a year ago, I was just an innocent human girl, now I'm dating a sexy vampire and I've become a badass vampire myself. My love for Damon has grown even stronger, but this time, I don't have to worry about the future. One of the perks of being a vampire, I guess. Knowing that I have Damon every day, forever.

"What are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours, Klaudia?" Damon's raspy voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"I was thinking about the night we met, how you saved me from that big bad vampire." I smiled, pecking him gently on the nose. "I was thinking about our first date, when you asked me to be your girlfriend, the first time I realized I loved you. I remember when Klaus turned me, and how you were by my side each and every day, helping me through it. But most of all, I was thinking of how lucky I am to have you and how we get to live out our eternity together."

"You're my forever, you know that, baby girl?" Damon tugged me closer as I nuzzled my face into his broad chest.

"I know." I nodded. "You're my forever."


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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