Little Sister - Damon

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"Elena, I swear you're out with him every damn day!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "You said you'd be there for us when our parents died and you've done exactly the opposite!"

"Carter, I've been busy!" Elena yelled back, her voice echoing off of the walls of the hallway. "You know it's my senior year and I have to get my life back together before I go off to school next year!"

"I didn't know getting your life back together was putting your boyfriend before your own family!" I gripped the railing of the stairs so hard that my knuckles turned white. "Elena, you weren't the only one who lost Mom and Dad. Jeremy and I lost them too. All we needed is some quality time with our big sister. That's all we're asking for!"

"Jer?" Elena turned to Jeremy, who was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase with his chin resting in the palms of his hands. "Do you feel the same way?"

"You haven't exactly been here for us, Elena." Jeremy sighed. "Carter and I have been struggling ourselves and you've been so busy focusing on Stefan that you've completely forgotten about us."

"I haven't forgotten about you!" Elena growled in anger. "How can you say I've forgotten about you? I'm your older sister!"

"Elena, you're never home!" I cried out, tears rolling down my cheeks. "You're always with Stefan or Bonnie or Caroline! Every night Jer and I have to fend for ourselves while you're out with them. You come home late and go to bed without even a goodnight. That's not what I call being a big sister."

"I'm two years younger than you, Elena, and Carter, only one." Jeremy sighed. "We may all be in high school, but we are definitely not ready to be on our own, especially since Jenna has died."

"You two are not on your own." Elena responded. "I am here for you, even though you may not realize. I'm just trying to put my life back together and although I may not be home often-"

"Elena, you're never home!" I repeated again, my anger growing. "You know that you're not there for us, so stop trying to justify why you're always out! We don't care. We just want you to stay home with us every once in awhile!"

"I have friends, Carter!" Elena yelled. "I have a boyfriend, and I have a life! I am the adult in this house and I have had enough of your complaining! I'm leaving this house and I don't want to hear about me not caring anymore! You both are being incredibly selfish! I want to get my life back on track, and you two keep holding me back with the constant moaning of missing Mom and Dad. I spent my entire sophomore year moping over their death and last year I was finally able to pull myself together. You two keep reminding me of what I lost and I just want to live my life! Why don't you try living yours?!"

Elena stormed out, grabbing her keys from the shelf by the door and leaving the house. I stood with Jeremy in silence, the both of our hearts racing.

"Jer?" I asked. "Was it wrong for me to say what I did to her?"

"No, Carter." He replied. "You stood up for both of us. Thank you."

"I can't stand it. She acts like it's wrong for us to still be sad. They're our parents."

"I know, but Elena has her mind wrapped around Stefan and his vampire problems. I just wish she would show that she cares a bit more."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed, looking down at my feet.

"She is right, though."

"Right about what?"

"It's time for us to pull our lives together. Let's go out and hang with our friends. It's probably about time."

"I don't really feel like it." I replied.

"Oh, come on, Carter. Matt texted me earlier asking if I wanted to hang with him at The Grill tonight. You should come!"

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