Tempted - Klaus

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Plot request by descendantofwolves 💕


"I don't understand why you have to be so damn stubborn!" Klaus roared, his eyes flashing at the young witch standing by the alter of the church.

"You're foolish to think that I would ever help you." Davina sneered, balling her fists up at her sides. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because of your daughter."

"Excuse me, love. It sounds like you're implying that you had enough power to kill me." Klaus threw back his head and laughed. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm an original hybrid. I can't be killed."

"I'm sure there are loopholes." Davina replied, her eyes narrowing. "I'll make damn sure I find them."

"You find a loophole and it will be the end of you, Davina Claire-"

"Don't you dare threaten my little sister again!" A voice echoed off the walls of the church as Jess Claire entered with an annoyed look on her face.

Klaus turned and watched her with a careful eye, relaxing once he saw her hand attached to his daughter's.

"Dad, why do you always have to be so mean?" Hope asked sadly, shaking her head. "Using your nice voice will get you so much more."

Klaus' mouth fell open, his jaw moving up and down as he struggled to come up with a quick response.

"Your Dad doesn't quite know how to address people nicely." Jess kneeled down beside Hope, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You'd think he would given that he's been around for a thousand years." Davina snapped, earning a harsh glare from Klaus.

"Don't push him, little sister." Jess sighed, standing up and walking Hope over to Klaus. "He may not have killed you yet, but I've learned with the Mikaelsons, a threat is not merely just a threat."

"You remember that the next time your bratty sister doesn't help out my family." Klaus growled, taking ahold of Hope's hand.

"You want a Claire witch? Come to me, but don't ever threaten Davina again. Got it?"

"Got it." His lips turned up into a tantalizing smirk as he turned to leave the church. "You should be expecting a call from me, real soon, sweetheart."

"I can't wait." Jess whispered sarcastically, watching Klaus exit the church with Hope's hand in his own.

"If I got a dollar for how many times I thought about killing him, I'd be rich." Davina remarked, walking up beside her sister.

"You and me both, kid." Jess chuckled, her face slowly shifting to a more stern expression. "D, you shouldn't keep trying to pick fights with him. It isn't safe."

"What's not safe is helping the Mikaelsons." Davina retorted. "They can't be trusted and I don't understand why you agreed to Hayley's proposal to watch Hope while they're off doing who knows what."

"I agreed because Hope is innocent." Jess replied, leading her sister out of the church. "And I also think it's better to have the Mikaelsons as allies than as enemies."

"But how do you stand Klaus?" Davina continued. "Every time I'm near him I just want to hit him with every spell I know."

"Klaus may be one of the worst people I have ever met, but he has changed since Hope arrived."

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