Chapter 1 " Meeting the short shoulder-length haired Sexican."

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---Autor's note---

I got a little bit better at cover making? It's kind of better than my other stories' covers.  The description is a bit more detailed to. Let's get started!
---Kellin's pov---

I am laying in my king-sized bed and a smirk appeared on my face as I realized I'm on the drama channel for the 10th time this week. What can I say? I love to party and I love all the attention. I continued flicking through channels on my huge flat screen tv. A thought came across my mind, Did I have sex with anyone last night? I normally have a different guy in my bed each time I wake up but this time no one is there. The other side of the bed is messed up though so someone had to get out of bed while I was sleeping.

That's one of the things about drugs and alcohol, I barely remember last night. I could have had sex with 10 guys and barely remember.. wait, did I? I chuckled to my own thought. Why am I such a slut? It's not really a bad thing is it? A breeze of cold air flew part of my hair out of my face as I realized my window is open. Ohhh so the person sneaked out of the window before I woke up? I wonder why?

I closed the window and looked down at myself. Oops, silly me. Forgot I was naked. I actually need a shower anyways. I have a party tonight to get ready for. I stepped into my bedroom bathroom and turned on the shower stepping in. The hot water burned my back but felt good at the same time. Sex in the shower would be great right now but I need to actually shower.

---After the shower---

I brushed my hair a million times before staring in the mirror for hours making sure I looked perfect. That's the thing about being famous, you have to look perfect, one flaw and everyone turns their backs on you. That probably explains why I rarely eat. Calories are disgusting, they equal fat. All I need is a glass of water and sometimes a couple blueberries to get me through the day.

I put on black ripped skinny jeans and a black band tee. I'm probably just going to wear this before the party and change for the actual party later. I went downstairs to see disappointed parents. Their normally never home so this had to be urgent.

" Yes?" I raised an eyebrow leaning against the wall.

My mom looked at him for him to speak first.

" You need to stop getting all over the news channels and stuff it makes us look bad!" He shouted with anger.

" Yeah because all you care about is looking good." I rolled my eyes.

" We are serious Kellin." My mom replied.

" Go ahead 'punish' me." I air quoted 'punish'

" We are not stopping you from doing this, we don't care what the hell you do as long as you don't get caught!" He shouted.

" You can't tell me what to do!" I shouted back.

" Yes he can!" My mom shouted.

" No! He isn't my father! He's just some cunt you decided to marry!" I hate when he tries to boss me around when all he is is my step dad not even my real dad.

My mom shook her head. " Can we leave now?" She asked him.

" Kellin either you like it or not but all of you're money comes from me and if you want I can take all that away from you!" He growled.

I sighed. " Fine, whatever."

" No, you never listen! So that's why we decided to hire someone to watch you!" He shouted.

" He will be here soon we will leave once he gets here." My mom added.

" I'm to old for a baby sitter." I rolled my eyes.

" It's either that or you stop you're parties completely." My mom said.

" You can still do everything you normally do but not where drama channels and magazine writers can find out." He said.

" Fine." I mumbled as the door bell rang.

" Bye honey." My mom said and they both left as a hispanic short guy walked in. He has long dark hair around shoulder length, tan caramel skin, chocolate brown eyes, muscles, and a nose ring. He's quite attractive if only his nose ring was real silver, you can tell it's a cheap ring. His clothes are quite 'poor' also. I think he's Mexican? I may have been staring at him to long because he awkwardly coughed.

" Hey." I said awkwardly.

" Hey." He replied.

" Did my parents say if you got the guest room, like is this a staying over type of job?" I asked.

" Yeah they said I have one of the guest rooms, it looks like this place has millions of them." He laughed. " I think they said the one closest to you're room?" He asked.

" Alright, that would be the second floor." There's like 10 floors to this place. I started up the stairs him following me.  I opened one of the doors in my hall.

" This is it." I said as I gestured for him to enter the room.

" Wow this room is huge." He said in shock.

" Really? I find it really small." I said. " Well I have to go change for this party tonight.."

" Where is the party?" He asked.

" Here. Well in the backyard where the pool is."

He nodded. " Guess I already have to get to work." He laughed.

" You don't have to watch me you know, I can just tell my parents you did."

" And if you still end up in the channels they won't believe you."

I rolled my eyes. " None of the reporters are allowed here. They only get me in the papers and shows if I party at clubs or other places. "

He nodded slowly. " Okay I still have to watch you."

" Just don't get in my way." I warned.

He nodded with a smile. " Alright."

TO BE CONTINUED. Tell me you're thoughts on this story so far below.

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