Chapter 14 " Forced to do something, you don't want to do."

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--- Vic's pov---

It's currently 3 am, and Kellin still hasn't walked through the doors yet, it feels like anxiety punched me in the face a million times.

Oli, Andy, and Ronnie, are all asleep, and I'm just sitting in a chair, barely blinking, staring at the front door.

--- Kellin's pov---

I woke up, in a cheap house, well, compared to my mansion, this is poor. I was confused a bit, then my mind put the pieces together, I've been kidnapped.

By who? No clue. I sit up, off of the cheap hard couch, which basically feels similar to the ground, and looked around. It's plain, not even a TV in the room. The walls are a white-ish color, the floor is brown carpet.

I stood up, and snooped around the room. There's locks on every other door, so I'm basically trapped here, theres not really anything to pick locks with also.

There's a small build in hole, on one of the doors, someone is on the other side.

" Hello." The deep voice spoke.

" Hello?" I questioned. " Why am I here?"

" Two reasons." The person replied simply.

" And those are?"

" well, I was just going to take a lot of your money, and let you free, but I have a daughter, who really likes you." He said.

Oh no, please don't say he means ' like' as in ' liiiiikeeee' because, I'm gay and don't want to be forced with a girl.

" She, really wants to, ' spend time' with you." He spoke.

" Look, whatever amount of money you want, I'll double it, just, don't force me to be with your daughter." I said.

" Just give what I ask for, and at-least kiss her." He says. " I'm being nice here, you could have been in the cold basement."

I kiss girls all the time, in spin the bottle, when I'm drunk, drugged, or both. Now I have to kiss a girl sober? Seriously? No. " Triple the price." I say quickly.

He sighs loudly. " As much as I would love your money, my daughter is more important."

" Ten times the amount?" I basically beg.

" If you marry her." He says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes. " Ugh whatever, one kiss, and that's it, now how much money are you asking?"

" 2 Million."

" Easy." I said quickly. " Money will be gived, once I know you're actually letting me go."

" Alright." He says, and a door opens behind me revealing a girl, around my age, barley wearing actual clothes, only her private areas are covered, but shes showing a lot of skin, probably on purpose.

" Listen Kellin, I really like you." She continues. " Now you can make this easy, and copper-ate with me, or this can be the hard way."

I nod quickly. " But you do know, I'm gay right?"

She nods. " People say you kiss girls at parties, which, I'm never invited to."

" That's spin the bottle, when I'm definitely far from sober." I say.

" Well, you'll like it." She smiles.

" Just a kiss?" I say making sure.

She doesn't reply, smashing her lips against mine, I kiss back, and I was about to pull away, since I wanted it to be just a quick kiss, but she held my head, causing it to be a make-out session.

When our lips are pretty much swollen, she let's go, bringing her lips to my ear, " I want you to take my virginity." She whispers.

I back away quickly. " No, the deal was just a kiss!" I shout, nervous, and angry.

She bites her lip, coming closer to me, but I continue to back up, until I'm against a wall. She puts her hands on my shoulders, then down my arms, holding my hands.

" You can take this the easy way or the hard way, now did you like my kiss?" She throws on fake innocent eyes, I try to pull my hands away, but she tightens the grip, digging her nails into me.

I didn't like the kiss at all. " No." I mumble. " First off, I only like guys, second, I bottom with guys, I can't even bottom with a girl. "

She rolls her eyes. " Well, today you're trying something new."

I shake my head. " Let go of my fucking hands." I warn. I don't want to hit a female, but I might have too.

" I know some of the drugs you take." She says with a smirk. " I know you won't take them willingly." She says taking out a long sharp needle.

I shake my head quickly. " I can't." I'm on the verge of panicking.

She puts a sympathetic face on. " Why not?"

She finally loosens the grip, and I take my hands away, sliding down against the wall, so I was sitting on the floor. " Just stop." I mumble.

She sighs. " What's wrong baby?" She says kneeling down next to me.

" None of your business." I almost died from drugs the other night, I'm not doing this, this soon.

" The needles clean, if that's what your worried about."

I shake my head. " It's a long story, to keep it short, I'm staying away from drugs, for now." I say simply.

She gives me a curious look. " Okay." She says slowly . " guess you're doing this sober." She stands up, reaching her arm up, to help me up, but I ignore it, getting up on my own.

" How about alcohol?" She offers.

I nod. If I'm going to be forced into this, I may as well get so drunk, to not even remember it the next morning.

To be continued. Predictions? Thoughts?

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