Chapter 2 " Black tight shorts and diamond shoes."

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I put on tight black shorts and no shirt. I slipped on some black tom shoes that have diamond studs on them. I spent a long time staring in the mirror until the little sexican knocked on the door.

" What's taking so long?" He asked annoyed.

" Beauty is more than just beauty sleep." I replied sarcastically. I opened the door and caught him eyeing me up and down.

" Aren't you going to put on actual clothes?" He asked looking up into my eyes.

I laughed. " Guessing you never been to any of my parties."

I caught him looking up and down at me again.

" Do I look that good?" I laughed.

Blushed formed on his face when he realized I caught him staring. " Uh.. Yeah."

" I'm Kellin, What's you're name?"

" Victor." He smiled.

" Ew, No, I'm calling you Vic."

He chuckled. " Okay."

I looked him up and down. " Okay you're not wearing that."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

" I can have you borrow one of my outfits for now." I suggested.

" As long as their actual clothes." He laughed.

" Oh come on, you would look good in a pair of shorts." I suggested with a wink.

He blushed again.

" Or you can just wear a band tee and ripped skinny jeans, what I normally wear when I'm not at parties." I shrugged.

" I'll be more comfortable in that." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. " Fine whatever." I opened my walk in closet to mostly black clothes.  " Pick you're poison." I giggled.

He picked a red band tee and some black skinny jeans, his ass will probably look good in those. He picked out my size small clothes, I'm now a XS. He walked into my bathroom to change, sadly he locked the door. He came out a minute later.

" Fits's perfectly." I smiled.

" Didn't know we were the same clothes size."

" Nah, we aren't, I'm a XS now, those are my old clothes." I laughed.  " You could probably fit XS also if you didn't have those s- muscles." I almost said sexy muscles but I didn't want to come off as creepy.

He chuckled. " So what time is the party?"

" It started a minute ago, I'm going to meet up with my friend."

He nodded.

---At the pool--

I met up with my best friend Oli. I greeted him with a kiss.

" Well, Hello there." He grinned.

I laughed. " Get out of the pool, I want to go in the hot tub." I whined.

He nodded. I grabbed his hand yanking him up out of the pool into the hot tub right next to it.

" Now what's better the cold ass pool or this hot as fuck hot tub?" I laughed.

" How about you?" He laughed. We flirt all the time but he's actually straight so it's all just for jokes.

" I know my ass looks good in these shorts." I laughed.

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