Chapter 20 " Plans."

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* A few days later.*

Andy and Ronnie finally come back.

" Where the hell have you two been?" I ask.

Oli is out, and Vic is with his brother.

Andy and Ronnie look at each-other.

" Uhh..." Ronnie starts.

" Umm.." Andy says awkwardly. " We need a plan." He says quickly.

" Plan?" I raise an eyebrow.

They nod. " We did something... bad." Ronnie says.

I face-palm myself. " It's fine, I can just bail you guys out." A pause. " What did you guys do?"

" We uh.." Andy said.

" Killed him." Ronnie said quickly.

My eyes widened. " You what? I killed the girl as self defense not revenge!"

"Shhhhhhh." Andy put his finger on my mouth the shush me, then dropped it after I calmed down.

" Just stay here." I said simply. " Money controls anything, If I offer them like a million dollars, they'll leave you guys alone."

They nodded slowly.

" Alright." Ronnie said.

" Now." I smirked, taking a sip of alcohol. " I just want to have fun, and relax."

They also took some sips, and before we knew it, all of us was extremely drunk.

--- Vic's pov.---

" So how are you and that Kellin person?" Mike asks me.

" Alright." I smirked.

" Just ' alright?'" Mike asks with a chuckle.

" Well, it's not like we're dating or anything." I shrug.

" Fair enough." Mike shrugs.

" I can tell somethings bothering you, what is it?"

" Well.." he smirks. " Remember the time we were in the mall?"

" Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow.

" I find the cashier guy a little cute." He pauses. " Okay reallyyy cute." He smirks.

I laugh. " Which one?"

" The one with the turtle obsession."

I nod. " Well, do you know if he's single?"

He shrugs. " Who knows."

" Ask him out." I say simply.

" I don't see you trying to ask your little rich crush out." He replies sarcastically.

" Little?" I gasp dramatically. " He's my hugeeeee crush." I squeal.

Mike chuckles shaking his head. " Then how come you haven't asked him out?"

I sigh and shrug. " I don't know, he doesn't seem like the relationship type."

" Ohhh a player?" He raises an eyebrow.

I shrug. " You work on asking your turtle out, I'll try asking my queen out, and we can set up a double date." I smirk.

" Seems like a deal to me." Mike laughs.

" Well, He's home alone, I'm suppose to be baby sitting him." I laugh.

" Alright, See you next week?"

I nod. " Bye."

He waves.

--- Kells pov---

" Sorry but none of you will be fucking me tonight." I slur and stand up.

Andy and Ronnie whine.

" I'm going to go sleep this off." I slur, and start walking up the stairs, my head spinning.

They nod and go on the couch.

* Oli's pov* - Drug trigger warning-

" Fuck." I mumble as I inject more drugs into my body, I think I put too much this time.

My head starts to spin, as the room spins with it, It becomes harder to move, but at the same time I can't stop shaking, I feel weaker and weaker, and everything goes black.

* Jaime's pov.*

" Oh shit." I mumble to myself, as I see a recognizable person, laying on the ground of the club.

" Oh no nonononono." Tony says quickly. " Is he okay?!!"

I check his pulse and it's barely there. " Let's get an ambulance." I grab a napkin, and wipe the foam off of Oli's mouth.

Tony nods quickly and calls an ambulance.

To be continued.
A/N I tried not to make this chapter short but it sort of ended up short, predictions?

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