Chapter 12 " Make-out sessions and contests."

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--- Kellin's pov---

I woke up, in a lot of pain. My head hurts and I can barely remember last night, My arm kills, and my face, basically everywhere. I walked into he bathroom to look at myself, Like I expected, a mess. My face has a hand-print on it, from someone slapping me, My arm has a needle mark, what did I do last night?

My thoughts were interrupted. 

" You're finally awake." I hear that familiar thick-British accent.

" What time is it?" I mumble holding my head. 

" Around 3-ish?" He replied. " How are you feeling?"

" What happened?" I ask confused.

" You don't remember a thing?" He asked.

" Barley." I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. 

" Meet me downstairs." He replies walking away.

That leaves me even more confused. I sigh, should I even bother to get ready? I shrug and look at my trashy self. Whatever, it's not like the paparazzi will be downstairs or anything.

--- Downstairs---

I arrive in the living room to see a, Vic, Oli, Andy, and Ronnie. Okay, What is Andy and Ronnie doing here? I stand crossing my arms.

" Is anyone going to tell me what happened last night? I didn't come down here a mess for nothing." I say.

" Oli and I weren't exactly with you." Vic speaks. 

" Ask them." Oli says referring to Andy and Ronnie.

I face-palm myself. " What happened last night, did I get abducted by aliens or some shit?"

" I don't know if we should tell him." Andy says.

" Yeah, if he has no idea, shouldn't it stay that way?" Ronnie replies.

I roll my eyes. " You can tell me, I bet I've done worse, oh let me guess, the whole town is on fire or some shit because of me?" I ramble.

" Just say it." Oli says. Vic nods agreeing with him.

" What do you remember from last night?" Andy asks me.

" Whatever's on me today, is all I know, the fact that there's a hand print on my face and a needle mark in my arm, and I have a pounding headache." I ramble.

"Do you want to hear the full story first, or details about what you just said?" Ronnie asks.

" Anything." I roll my eyes.

"Okay well, The needle mark is because we needed to put something into you, to help you." Andy says. 

" So you guys drugged me?!" I ask-shout.

" More like reverse drugged you if that makes sense?" Ronnie replies.

" We found you really messed up and drugged, and water wasn't really helping, so we gave you a medicine." Andy replies.

I nod slowly.

" The hand-print is because, well, you basically almost died, and I had to slap you out of it." Ronnie says.

" Soo.. I overdosed.. on what?" I ask slowly.

" We don't know." Andy replies.

I face-palm myself. " Wait a second, what's today's date?"

" Year 2020." Ronnie says sarcastically. 

I roll my eyes. " It's April 3rd isn't it?"

They all nod. Yes, that explains it, yesterday was the ' anniversary'. I let out a huge sigh. " Anything else I should know?"

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