Chapter 18 "Fall asleep, to his heart-beat."

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I laugh as I get out of the shower. " I can't stay mad at Vic." I say to myself, but i'm still not eating that pizza.

I make my way down-stairs, but almost fall, when Vic catches me, his hair still wet from the shower, dripping on to his exposed chest. I really want to rip his towel off and ride him.

" You okay?" He asks concerned.

Funny thing is I'm actually dressed for once, and he's only wearing a towel on his waist, probably because he didn't have time to get changed yet.

I nod. " Yeah, I'm fine."

" You sure? You don't look so good." He says picking me up bridal style.

I roll my eyes smirking. " I'm fineee."

" You need to eat the pizza down there."

I shake my head, becoming dizzy from that. " No, i'm.. i'm not hungry."

" Kells, your basically at starvation at this point."

My eyes start to close, and I'm suddenly, super, super, super tired.

I feel a slight sting on my cheek. " Kellin, you're scaring me, are you okay?!"

My eyes open then close again. " I..i'm tired." I mumble.

He shakes his head, " No, you're going to eat, you need to."

" Fine." I whisper.

He carries me down the stairs, and sits me in a chair. " I'm going to get dressed, Oli, he NEEDS to eat." He says and walks away.

I manage to open my eyes. " I don't want food."

" You need it though." He says and puts a slice on my plate.

I grab it and start eating it, trying not to throw up.

" What ever happened to vegetarian or vegan? You can be one of those instead of not eating at all." Oli says.

I shrug.

I grab a second slice, eating it.

Vic comes back down, and gets some water. " Drink also, please? I know you been drinking water, but not enough."

I nod taking a sip, then gulps.

" Feeling better?" Vic asks.

" Still a bit dizzy."

" Have you been getting enough sleep."

" I don't know." I mumble.

" Sleeping, eating, and drinking, is how you survive, mate." Oli says.

" I'm not dumb." I reply.

" Eat and drink a bit more, and I'll sleep with you."

Oli and I crack up.

" Choose your words more wisely." Oli says with a smirk.

Vic laughs. " I wasn't talking about sex."

I roll my eyes.

--- Kells room.---

I cuddle close to Vic. " Thanks." I whisper.

" Don't need to thank me." He whispers.

We're both in our boxers, well, I'm in lingerie ( is that how u spell it? ) if that counts.

I trace circles, and shapes on his chest with my finger.

" I..I'm confused." I whisper.

" About?" He whispers.

" E..everyone says I'm... so, so skinny, but I..I'm not." I mumble.

" Anorexia." Vic mumbles, but I still hear it.

" I'm not anorexic!" I harshly whisper. I stop tracing shapes on his chest.

" If you're asking for help, I won't force you to take any medicine, all I ask is for you to eat." He whispers, playing with my hair.

I nod to myself, resting my head on his chest. " Can I finally sleep?" I mumble.

He laughs quietly. " Yes, go ahead."

I listen to his heart-beat, as I drift off.

To be continued.

Guess what?
I got more stories coming soon
You probably already know from insta
But I have 1 story coming on or around Christmas
And another coming soon
They are both collab stories, I'll be crediting the people I'm writing with when the story comes out.
Basically we take turns writing chapters.
Anyways just wanted to get that out there.
What would you guys prefer...

A. Chapters to come out when I update them ( what I normally do)

B. Save a bunch of chapters as a draft, and post them once the story is completed.

C. Since the Christmas one is far away, Would you guys like 1 chapter ( the first chapter) to be released, as a sneak peek? Or part of the first chapter?

-So far the 2 stories only have covers and storylines, we will actually start typing soon.

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