Chapter 15 " Shattered bottles"

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( The pic at the top is the closest I can get to this scene so yeah)
She reenters the room with alcohol. I sigh the myself. Is this really happening? There's two bottles, so we can just drink from them.

An idea quickly came to my head, but I have to be fast. One mistake and this could probably end badly. The plan I have will probably kill her, but it's the only way I can escape.

I take a deep breath, and kiss her while holding the bottle with my hand. With my hands shaking, I managed to lift the bottle, and once the kiss deepened, I took the bottle, and smashed her over the head, hard, making the glass shatter.

I breathed heavily, as she passed out onto the ground, bleeding from her head, Did I really just kill someone? I held my head shocked from what just happened. I sighed and walked up to the door.

" Do you want your money, so I can leave?" I mumble through the hole in the door, hoping he didn't see what happened.

I get no reply through the door, great. I looked around, then at the girl, she has a bobby-pin in her hair. I took it out and picked the front-door lock, then running as fast as I can, without looking back.

I got weak from running fast, since I haven't been eating. People say I'm as skinny as a stick, but I think I'm fine. Some people even say they see my rib-cage...

It must be around 5 am because the sun is rising at the horizon. I stopped to take a breath. I need to go back to the mall to find my phone, if it's even still there.

I don't even know how to get there. A few cars are passing me, I may as well just ask someone for a ride. Another car was about to pass me but I put my hand up and they stopped.

The driver's eyes widen. " You're Kellin Quinn?!"

I ignore her question. " Can I get a ride please?" I ask forcing a smile.

She nods quickly smiling and motions for me to sit in the passenger seat next to her. I get in and look out the window. " Mall please."

The car starts to move and I just stare out the window the entire time.

--- At the mall.---

I walk out of the car. " Thanks." I mumble quietly and run to the side of the building, and pick up my phone, I swear if my phone is dead I'm gonna.....

Yes, it's still on! I turn it on getting thousands of messages and missed calls. I decide to call Vic, he seems like an early bird.

" Kellin are you okay?!?" He asks quickly, picking up on first ring. Someone noticed my

" Can you pick me up?" I ask avoiding his question.

" Yeah, where are you?" He asks.

" The mall, I'll meet you upfront." I say, walking up front, hanging up.

--- few mins---

I get in the passenger seat of Vic's car, as he starts to drive back to the mansion.

" Where were you?" He asked, sounding tired and concerned.

" Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I mumble.

He sighs, but nods.

--- At the mansion---

-- Vic's pov, around an hour later---

I hear screaming, and loud sobbing, from Kellin's room, and I run in there as quick as I can, still in my boxers.

My poor baby, is having a nightmare, He's asleep but screaming and crying. I decide to wake him up, by shoving him lightly, his eyes shot open and he looked around confused, but hugged me tightly once he saw me.

" Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper into his ear.

--- Kellin's pov a couple mins later---

I told him everything that happened, while I was gone, and after I was done he kissed me deeply, I kissed back, of course, probably getting my tears all over his face.

" If the cops some how decide to arrest you, you have enough money to just bail out right, we need to focus on getting the girl and guy arrested." Vic said.

I nod. " I.. I don't feel like explaining everything again, so you have the right to tell the others if they ask. " I said and he nods.

" Also." I mumble. " Can you stay with me tonight?"

" You mean morning." Vic laughs.

I nod and pull him onto the bed, he spoons me and I cuddle close to him, Until I fall asleep.

To be continued. Yeah, I'm gonna start putting pics/vids in my chapters, any predictions for next chap?

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