Chapter 5 " Crush."

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" Hi, I'm Mike." He says introducing himself to us. We all say our names back and then we continue our conversation.

" So is Andy and Ronnie showing up?" I asked Oli.

He shrugs. " Depends if they want to."

" Well where are they?"

" Who knows." Oli laughs making me laugh.

"So are you actually going to buy anything?" Jaime asks.

" My turtles are not for sale by the way." Tony laughed.

" I might get Vic a couple things." I replied.

" Since when do you buy things for people?" Oli laughed.

I pushed him playfully. " I buy you shit all the time."

I look at Vic and Mike. " So Vic, like anything in this store?" He walks closer to all the clothes and starts looking through them. I look Mike up and down. " You look like you need better clothes to." I laughed. " I'll pay just grab whatever." I turn back around to Oli, Jaime, and Tony who have jealous faces.

" I buy you guys stuff all the time, give them a chance." I laugh.

They nodded. Most people get up and leave when I don't buy them things but they are my real friends so they stayed.

Andy and Ronnie enter the store.

" There you two are." Oli laughed.

" What took you two so long? What are you one of Tony's turtles?" I laughed.

" Okay okay we get it." Andy and Ronnie say at the same time surprising each-other.

Tony and Jaime get quiet every time Andy and Ronnie are around, Oli tells me that they say they don't like them for some reason.

" Oli can we talk to you for a second?" Andy asks. Oli nods and he leaves the store with Andy and Ronnie.

I roll my eyes. It's probably drug-related. Although we are all friends Andy and Ronnie still makes Oli pay for their drugs. They get mad if he forgets to pay. I don't have to pay because I normally make up for it with sex. Vic interrupted that the other night so their probably going to talk to me next about that.

" I'll be back in a minute or so." I say to Jaime and Tony as I walk over to Vic and Mike.

" Find anything?" I ask.

They nod and show me the clothes their holding up. I nod.

" Are you sure that's all you're getting?" I asked.

They nodded. " Thanks." They surprisingly said at the same time. Do my friends have the same brains or something? Their always repeating each other.

" No problem." I said while walking over to Tony and Jaime. They did their job or whatever and gave us the bags.

" Are you sure you don't want me paying for some of it?" Vic asked.

" I'm rich, Why would I want you to pay?" I laughed. " Plus it feels like I'm donating to my favorite store." I say as I slip in a hundred dollars extra. Mike gave Vic a questioning look.

" You guys stay here, I'll be back." Oli been gone for a while so I decided to check on him. I head out of the store and walk to a couple different parts of the mall until I find them in the mens room arguing.

" Oli, It's been 2 weeks just give us our money!" Ronnie shouted. None of then have noticed me in the door way yet.

Oli digs into his empty pockets. " I left my wallet at home." He says honestly.

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