Chapter 16 " I'm low on food, and you need a cake."

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( Don't even ask about the title haha )
I sit on the usual Kitchen island, dangling my feet. I've been having my head down, staring at the ground, or my legs, while my black hair covers my face.

I've seen shadows walk past me a couple times, probably people afraid to approach me, or ask where I was. One really nice person, my sexican, decided to speak to me.

" Kells." He whispers, lifting my chin with a finger.

" Y..yea?" I stutter.

" You really really need to eat something." He says worried.

" I'm fine." I whisper hopping off of the island.

I need to stop being so upset about last-night, it's not like I actually got raped, all we did was kiss, oh shit yeah, I killed someone, oops, almost forgot.

What if I go insane, and want to kill more people? What if I'm in jail for life cause' of this?

I roll my eyes at myself and took a deep breath. ' I'm fine' I tell myself, and sat down on the video-game couch, well I may have sat on Oli's lap since the couch was full.

" You okay?" He whispers in my ear, sending shivers throughout my body.

I nod weakly.

He turns me around, so i'm basically straddling him.

" You sure?" He repeats. " I'm your best-friend, I know when you're lying."

I gulp loudly. " Everything's justtt fine." I force a smile, and blow some hair out of my face.

" What happen last night?" He asks a bit worried.

" Vic, here's your queue." I said sarcastically.

Vic sighs, all eyes are now on him. " Kellin said that he wants me to tell you guys since he doesn't want to repeat it." He continues, telling everything.

I hugged him and jumped up so I was holding him with my legs wrapped around him. I buried my face into his neck.

" I'm so sorreh." Oli spoke.

Andy and Ronnie dropped their video-game, staying silent, and just left the house.

" Stop them." I mumbled.

" Why?" Vic asks.

" They might try to kill the guy, if the girl isn't already dead." I assumed.

Oli nodded in agreement.

" Well, where are they heading?" Vic asked.

I shrugged. " I don't even know the address."

" Just let them do whatever. " Oli says.

I nod as I get off of Vic and sit on the couch.

" Kellin, you do need to eat." Oli says.

" Please?" Vic adds.

I roll my eyes. " Why?"

" Do you want complete honesty?" Oli asks, I nod. " You look like a walking skeleton."

I shake my head. " I don't think so."

" I understand you probably want to look good for your ' fans' or whatever but this is way too skinny, I can count your ribs Kellin." Vic says seriously.

" Someones been staring at me shirtless." I laugh trying to change the subject.

" Kellin." Oli said crossing his arms.

" You're not my parents." I cross my arms back.

Vic uncrosses my arms, and kisses me on the cheek. " Please?" He asks, well, begs.

" Fine!" I shout and stomp over to the kitchen.

" How about we bake a cake?" Vic asks.

" and this is where I exit." Oli says with a laugh and sits on the couch, and watches American Horror Story.

To be continued. Will Kellin actually eat Cake? Lol. Idk predictions n comments below

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