Chapter 4 " Make-out session."

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Our lips continued to hover over each-other. Vic decided to finally make a move and attach his lips to mine. I kissed back at the same pace. We made out for a few minutes until our lips felt suffocated. He started moving his lips to my neck sucking on separate places until he found my sweet spot a couple hickeys later. I let out a soft moan as he sucked on it.

" How about we take this to the bedroom?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to answer but we heard
my mom and step dad's voices in the distance. We quickly separated from each-other and acted casual. They made their way to the kitchen.

" Oh there you two are!" My mom said with enthusiasm.

We replied with a smile.

My step dad walked up to Vic handing him some money.  " So how was last night?" He directed the question to me.

" Good, I had a greeaaaattt time." I rolled my eyes.

" I'm guessing you did you're job then?" He laughed asking Vic.

Vic nodded.

" Good, so we won't see you in any papers?" My mom asked.

I nodded. When can they leave?

" Okay well, we are just going to be in the living room if you need us." She said as they started to exit. Great, can't really have sex with Vic with them in the house.

I sigh. " So..." I say awkwardly.

" Are you having any parties tonight?" He asked.

I shrugged. " Who knows." 

He laughed. " You know."

" Might just hang out with Oli."

He nodded. " So.. does that still mean drugs and alcohol?"

" Depends, Oli and I normally like to hang out sober but sometimes we do that stuff." I shrugged.

" So, where should I go while watching you?"

" I guess you could hang out with us, If you're not annoying." I laughed.

He laughed.

" Also, You borrowing my clothes every day is getting a tiny bit annoying, we're going shopping." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes. " Okay, when?"

" Well, I'm meeting Oli at the mall so, yeah now."

I started walking out of the kitchen, out of the house, Vic following me. A limo pulled up and I went inside Vic following me.

" A limo to the mall seriously?" He asked amused.

I shrugged. " Why not?"

" Let me guess the mall is made out of diamond or something?" He laughed.

" Who knows." I laughed.

--At the mall--

I ran into Oli and he picked me up like a baby laughing. His muscles are huge and I'm so small so he easily picks me up. 

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