Chapter 11 " Close to death."

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- A few days later-

I managed to sneak out, at a club without Vic, to party. It's been awhile since I've done this. I'm planning on doing a lot of drugs tonight, it's not just a normal night. Tonight is the third year anniversary of my dads death.

I normally get messed up to forget about it. Oli knows about this, he always tries to stop me, but tonight, no one knows where I am. I smirked to myself by the thought.

As long as I don' t overdose, I'm fine. It wouldn't really be a problem if I did, then I could see him. I shook the thought out of my head. The only drugs, I always stay away from, is needles, their really bad. Been there, done that, not doing it again.

I chugged down the lost-count-of drink. I'm already really tipsy, and haven't even done drugs yet. I only have a tiny bit left from the last time, Andy, and Ronnie, and I talked .Which is definitely not enough.

I finished the last of it, its just the normal stuff that makes you feel good, whatever they used to give me made me see colors, and forget about everything around me, I need that, whatever it is.

I haven't heard from them in awhile, so no way of getting it. At least I thought they disappeared, when the familiar voices, came in front of me. I would say faces, but everything's a blur right now.

" Kellin?" Andy asked.

" You alright?" Ronnie asked.

I must be really bad, if they're asking me. They normally like to get me like this, it's their way of fun. Am I alright? Who knows.

" Hey." I slurred. Opening my eyes a bit, seeing like 20 of them.

" You need some water." Andy said. " Go get water." He said to Ronnie.

Ronnie left quickly to go get the water.

Andy rubbed my back. " What type of drugs are you taking? And how much of it?"

I couldn't find the words to reply. I just closed my eyes, I felt like sleeping, forever.

He shook me. " Stay with me."

Ronnie must have came back because Andy has water. I honestly thought they would come to rape me again, but I was wrong.

I refused to drink it, I'm to out of it. My mind keeps going black, like I keep closing my eyes, when they're already closed, like I keep sleeping and waking up again.

" Come on Kells." Ronnie spoke.

" I have to force him to drink it." Andy said as I felt my mouth open and water going down my throat. I started choking at first, but Andy sat me up so I could swallow it.

I opened my eyes a few time just seeing blurriness. The water wasn't helping that much. What did I even take to make me feel like this? I feel like I have to throw it all up, but I can't. Like the water is going to war in my body.

I blinked a few times seeing a super bright light.

"" I choked out.

" We're losing him!" I heard Andy choke out.

"" Ronnie said quickly and slapped me in the face hard.

The light started to fade away, As I felt a sharp needle stick into my arm. I don't know what drug is in the needle, but I feel like it's bringing me back to life.

I took in a huge breath of air, like it was my last. Then I started coughing up the water opening my eyes. I felt like I was drowning. Next, comes the disgusting throw up.

Andy and Ronnie rub my back. I probably look a mess right now. I don't really eat, so all that was coming out was the alcohol and drugs, and a burning disgusting taste in my mouth.

For once, they were being actual good best friends.

After all the throw up came out, I just layed down feeling really tired.

" You alright?" Andy asked.

I nodded with my eyes close. " Thanks." I said quietly, but they both heard. I didn't really get to talk to my dad, but at-least I saw him, and thats when the tears started coming, I saw him.

They continue rubbing my back. " Shhh it's okay." Andy whispered.

" We're here its okay." Ronnie whispered.

It sounds like they were both crying, which is rare, I don't remember them having any emotions.

I cried until no tears could escape. I drank more water and actually wanted food for once.

" Can we get something to eat?" I mumbled.

They both nodded. " Like what?" Ronnie asks.

I sighed. " Anything."

" Are you sure you're okay?" Andy asked confused. I would be confused to, if someone who hates food is asking for food.

I nodded.

" Pizza?" Ronnie asks also confused.

" Yeah, sure." All I've ever ate is fruit.

" Woah okay." They say shocked.

We ate a pizza, I didn't feel like paying attention to the toppings, it was good, that's all that matters, but all of the sudden I got that feeling, of not wanting to eat, ever again.

--- At the mansion.----

Andy and Ronnie took the ride with me back to the limo, and went to the door. They knocked for me, since I didn't bring my key.

The door opened to a super worried Oli and Vic.

" Where have you been?!" Vic asked.

Vic and Oli both looked like they cried rivers.

" You worried us sick!" Oli shouted. " and what are they doing here?!"

The reason why they were probably so worried is because it's the anniversary. I decided to speak since Andy and Ronnie were silent.

" T..they saved me." I choked out.

" What?" Vic asks confused.

" We found him almost dead at a club." Andy replies.

" We were going there to have fun, whatever, but, we found him on the floor fucked up." Ronnie said.

" He was so far lost, that he saw his dad, it was scary." Andy said.

Oli and Vic pulled me into a tight group hug.

" Thanks." They both said to Andy and Ronnie.

I walked in to my room, and plopped on my bed, and went straight to sleep.

--- Andy's pov---

" By the way, after we saved him, he actually wanted to eat for once, and we got a pizza." After I said that I got chocked expressions from Vic and Oli.

" It might just be a one time thing, who knows." Ronnie shrugged.

To be continued. What do you guys think of this chapter? What will happen next?

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