Chapter 37 " British Threesome."

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* Oli's POV, about a week later.*

I just entered the club a few streets down from Kellin's place, or his parent's mansion. I'm planning on getting absolutely wasted and having fun, what's the point in going to a club if you aren't going to have fun? I sit at the bar away from the sweaty dancers and loud dubstep music. The dance-floor is multicolored and changes every so often. It matches the multicolored lights that go with the music.

I'm not much of a dancer, I actually prefer moshing but that's obviously not happening at a club. The security would probably throw me out although I've become quite friendly with them. The cute, actually hot bartender came up to me.

" Hello hottie what could I get you tonight?" The also British guy spoke with a smug smirk and playful wink.

That's the weird thing about me, I was 100% sure I was straight until my best friend Kellin, ever since i've met him i've received little feelings for the same gender every now and again. Could I be bi?

I smirk and bite my lip. " Something strong but easy to swallow." I reply through my thick British accent.

He nods and starts making the drink biting his lip in concentration as he does so. " What's your name?" He asks.

" Oli, you?" I reply shortly.

" Denis." He passes me the drink as I go to pay.

" No, drinks on me." He smirks.

" Thanks mate." I smile and take a sip of the alcoholic drink, it actually tastes good. A cute looking guy sits next to me.

" Hello there." He smiles and wraps his arm around me. " I'm Josh, you are?"

" Oliver." I laugh taking a sip of my drink, there's a lot of British guys here tonight, makes me feel at home.

A flash of jealously covers Denis face but he quickly hides it with a smile. " Could I get you a second?" He asks politely.

" Second's on me, two drinks please." Josh smirks still having his arm around me.

" Thanks.." I reply trying to shuffle away from his arm but he has it firmly there. Has this guy ever heard of personal space?

" Coming right up." Denis says and makes the drinks handing it to us, he also makes one for himself downing it.

* Time skip *

A few drinks later, or plenty drinks later.. I'm tipsy as fuck. It seems like they're also so at least I'm not the only one.

Josh scoots closer to me and palms me causing me to gasp. I guess invading personal space is actually a good thing. It's really obvious that Josh and Denis has been secretly arguing over me.  Denis picks a cherry up from behind the bar and eats it, tying the stem into a knot with his tongue very seductively.

Josh palms me harder as I let a low moan escape. " That's what I wanted to hear." Josh says in a lust filled way. Denis leans over the bar and lifts my chin with his finger kissing me deeply. I kiss back in a rhythm letting my dominance take over as I insert my tongue into his mouth. These jeans are unbearably tight.

" I have a hotel room we can go to." Josh smirks.

" Sounds tempting." Denis mumbles against my lips.

" Let's go." I laugh and stand up my head spinning a bit from the alcohol.

* Time skip*

We arrive at the hotel across the street. As soon as we enter the room I push Denis against the door kissing him aggressively. Josh locks the door. Denis slopingly keeps up with the unrhythmic rhythm moaning into my mouth as I grind against him. I tug at Denis's shirt as we break the kiss with our swollen lips to remove it. I also take that time to remove my shirt. I attack Denis's neck with hickey's and as I'm sucking on a part of his neck he softly moans and shirtless Josh comes up and kisses my neck from behind causing me to softly moan onto Denis's soft spot. There's a big amount of vocals right now and we barely even started.

Josh separates me from Denis pushing me harshly against a wall and kissing me deeply, the wall impact causing me to gasp and Josh's tongue darts into my mouth. He grinds against me causing me to moan as he skips my neck sucking harshly on my collarbone, as he does so Denis comes up and starts attacking my neck causing me to moan.

I tug at both of their pants and they quickly kick them off as Denis gets onto his knees pulling my jeans and boxers off taking me into his mouth. I moan throwing my head back closing my eyes. His warm mouth bobs up and down my length, Josh flicks open the cap of a lube bottle and covers his finger and inserts a finger into me causing me to hiss in pain at the weird feeling.

" First time?" He whispers into my ear before nibbling on it.

I nod as he inserts a second lube covered finger scissoring them. " Ah fuck.." I moan. Denis stops sucking me off because I probably wouldn't have last any longer if he continued.

I remove Denis's boxers and then get on my knees pulling off Josh's boxers taking him into my mouth teasing his slit as I bob my head.

" Hmmm yess." He moans.

As I suck Josh I insert a lubed finger into Denis, then a second scissoring them, his emotional expressions were hot. I pull out and stop sucking Josh.

" Okay so.. Denis is a definite bottom." Josh says as Denis blushes. " I'm a definite top." He adds on.

" No, I'm a top.. I'm not bottoming." I say quickly.

Josh smirks smugly and walks up to me inserting a lubed up finger scissoring it to hit a certain spot in me that caused me to moan out in pleasure.

" Yes, you could bottom." Josh bites his lip and I blush.

So I'm in the middle? Fucking Denis but being fucked by Josh, two pleasures at once, of course.

Denis bends over the bed keeping himself up by his elbows. I rip open the condom wrapper and put it on myself covering it with lube. I walk behind him lining myself up at his entrance before entering causing him to moan loudly.  The condom covered lubed up Josh comes behind me slowly entering me causing me to grip onto Denis's  shoulders hissing in pain. After the pain subsided into a numbing sensation Josh started slowly moving as I also move into Denis.

Josh changes his angle hitting that spot again that drives me crazy as he picks up his speed also making me change my angle and pick up the speed on Denis, if these walls aren't sound proof then people probably hear the multiple amount of moans echoing this room.

A few minutes later Josh starts slamming into me. " Fuck yes!" I moan also slamming into Denis as he also moans out.

" I..I'm c..close." Denis says in between moans. Josh reaches over and flicks his wrist on Denis having him cum all over the bed and Josh's hand. A few seconds later I find myself filling with ecstasy as I become closer and closer.

" close." I moan a few cuss words cumming into the condom as Josh continues slamming into our sensitive body's making us fall on the bed. 

Then Josh cums into the condom having the warm feeling inside me. We both pull out and lay next to Denis panting.

" Fuck that was amazing." I breathe.

" Again sometime?" Josh asks.

" Yes." Denis breathes.

And with that we fell asleep.

A/N: To be continued
Okokok so
Half of you wanted OlixDenis only if Denis bottoms
Half of you wanted OlixJosh and said Josh tops
So I decided to do a threesome where Josh tops and Denis bottoms and Oli's in the middle so it's fair for everyone haha..

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