Chapter 25 " Caught."

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* Tony's pov*

I wake up in a really bright room squinting my eyes. I try to move my arm but I figure out it's in a very hard cast. I moan in annoyance.

" Thank god you're awake!" I hear Mike say in excitement. He has crutches and a cast on one of his legs.

I blush with shyness. " Oh hey..." I mumble.

Then something clicked in my head. " Is Jaime okay?!?" I ask in panic about my friend.

" The doctors and nurses haven't said anything yet." Mike replies sitting in the chair next to my bed. He continues. " He looked pretty bad though, I was the only one who didn't pass out after the crash."

I nod in response full of worry. " How bad is pretty bad?"

" Well, you passed out into my arms." He blushes. " You hit your arm pretty hard though which explains your cast, Jaime would have went through the window shield if he didn't have a seatbelt on, but we were all covered in blood... for a second I thought you guys were dead." He rants.

I notice some cuts on Mike's face, probably from glass or something. " How long was I out?"

" About three hours." He replies.

Vic comes rushing in. " I didn't hear about the crash until now are you all okay?!?"

" We don't know about Jaime yet." Mike replies. " Where were you I was texting and calling you for hours.."

Vic blushes in embarrassment. " I was, didn't hear my phone."

Kellin shortly runs in after. " Is everyone okay?!"

" We're fine but we don't know about Jaime." I reply.

" Is anyone else coming?" Mike says sarcastically.

" I don't think so." Kellin says. " I can pay for all the hospital bills."

" No, no need for that." Mike says.

" Yeah it's fine." I reply.

Kellin rolls his eyes over dramatically. "I'm paying and that's final."

Mike and I shrug in response knowing there's no point in arguing.

" I'll go check on Jaime." Vic says leaving.

* Vic's pov*

I walk up to Jaime's room, I've only met him a few times but I decided to check up on him since the way everyone's speaking, it sounds bad.

" Am I allowed in?" I ask one of the nurses.

She checks her watch. " Five more minutes is visiting hours."

I mentally roll my eyes. " Wouldn't hurt to visit a bit early would it?"

She shrugs in response.

" The guy just got hit by a truck, a visitor won't do worse damage." I say annoyed and she rolls her eyes letting me inside.

He is laying there asleep, looks like a coma.

" Jaime?" I ask quietly. " You may not know me, but I'm Vic.. we met before?"

This is really awkward since I barely know the guy. He's still asleep but his hand moves trying to grab mine. He eventually grabs it and I swear I see a smile form on his face.

His other hand lifts just enough for me to see him motion for me to come closer. Curious and confused I take a few steps closer, and he suddenly clasps his lips onto mine and I stand there shocked.

* Kellin's pov *

I wonder what's taking Vic so long so I decide to walk up to Jaime's room to check in. I suddenly see Vic and Jaime's lips touching and I watch for a second in shock before running out in tear filled eyes.

A/N: To be continued...
Drama is happening
* grabs bleach flavored popcorn and adds acid salt to it*

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