Chapter 3 " Lips ready to attack."

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---Next morning---

I woke up to the smell of food. I was very confused because no one really cooks break-feast in the morning not even the maids.

I got up and realized I was still wearing the same clothes as last night. I walked into my closet and grabbed a black band tee and black skinny jeans, white toms  shoes with black diamonds. I smelled myself before putting my clothes on, surprisingly I didn't smell like alcohol or anything. I slipped on my clothes and headed to the first floor kitchen while brushing my hair. Vic? I don't think my parents paid him to cook.

" Morning." He said with a smile as I awkwardly put my brush down on the kitchen island.

" Morning?" I said confused.

" I'm making some break-feast if you want any." He offered.

" Ew no thanks that looks like a bunch of grease and fat." I said pointing to the bacon laying in the pan. ( By the way guys I don't know if this needs a trigger warning, Kellin skips a lot of meals to stay "skinny" when he's really underweight, kind of anorexia? )

He rolled his eyes. " Well, what do you want to eat?"

I shrugged. Alcohol already makes you gain weight so I don't need anything to eat. I didn't really want him to force that greasy fat food on me so I decided to pick something, I popped a grape into my mouth from the fruit bowl on the counter. He raised an eyebrow.

" Is that all you're going to eat?"

I nodded with an 'innocent' smile. Ha, I'm far from innocent.

" At-least eat this." He handed me a banana and I raised my eyebrows.

" Seriously?" I giggled. He gave me a confused look but then realization crossed his face.

He laughed. " Wow you have a dirty mind."

" I'll just have water." I shrugged.

He sighed. " Pick another fruit out of the bowl."

I rolled my eyes. " I'll take the banana." I winked.

I saw him blush a bit but he looked away. I still don't know his sexuality but based on how he keeps blushing when I say certain things makes me think he's also gay.

I deep-throated the banana making eye contact with him.  He awkwardly laughed.

" Are you going to actually swallow the banana?" He asked and I cracked up making him face palm. " I didn't mean that sexually, I mean I want you to actually put food into you're body."

" Since when are you my parent?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

" I'm not.." He laughed.

" Then." I bopped his nose. " You can't tell me what to do." I smirked.

He nodded. " Fine." He sighed.

" I'll eat the damn banana to make you happy but stop telling me what to do... unless we're never-mind."

" We're what?" He raised an eyebrow. Damn, I've said to much didn't I?

Might as well finish what I was saying. I don't know why I get shy around him, I normally get whatever gay guy I want into my bed when I want. " Unless we're in bed."

He awkwardly laughed but seemed surprised. Oh no, is he a bottom also or something?

" Okay, I need answers." I demanded. " Are you gay, are you top or bottom?" Sometimes words blurt out of my mouth without me meaning to say them.

He laughed. " Gay, Top." He popped the p.

I smirked. " Gay, Bottom."

He nodded slowly.

" Are you single?"

He nodded. " Are you?"

I nodded. I don't do relationships, I'm more of a fuck and chuck kind of person. As long as the person is single because I don't do cheating. Andy and Ronnie are different though, we get together once and awhile, it's not like we're a one time thing. I'm quite interested in Oli but he's a challenge to get in bed because, well, he's straight which is a bit of a problem. Well Andy and Ronnie call each- other straight that's because their to afraid to come out of the closet, what if Oli's the same way?

" Single." I smiled.

He came a bit closer to me and sat me up on top of the counter. Our lips were like two humans trying to fight each other but being pulled back by two other humans.

Who will kiss who first?

To be continued. Tell meh what chu think you kellic shippers xD I feel like one of my life goals is to see Vic and Kellin kiss in reality. For now all we have is photoshop.

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