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Olivia's pov
Here we go again. Living hell. School. This years different though. Now I'm kind of a popular student, some would say. I'd just say I'm a high school student.

My small and sad reputation was put down the drain around February last year, because I became friends with a popular, Emily. Everybody knows me and always talks about me. Even the one and only Grayson Dolan. Every girl has their eyes set on him and his twin brother, Ethan. But obviously he's going to be mine.

The only real competition is Avery. My twin sister. Both of us are on the hunt for Grayson. We're almost seventeen and are fraternal twins. As much as we love each other, we absolutely despise each other. We are very close in ranking I guess, because either of us gets the guy, gets the shower and other various things.

I walked to my car and drove to school. Most of the time, Avery and I take her car or mine, to save gas, but today if I don't get going, I'm going to be very late.

School came into my view. It was very crowded at the front, so I parked in the back. I know my way around the school, so I can just go through the back doors and find my way.
The halls were crammed and most people were lost. Pushing past them, I cut in line, so I wouldn't have to wait an hour to get my schedule.

"Name?" The receptionist asked me.
"Olivia Pine," I rolled my eyes since she obviously knew who I was. This is not the first time that we've spoken and it surely won't be the last time.
"Here you go," she muttered.
"Thanks," I walked out of the office and into the crowded hall. The hall was packed in this area, because none of the freshman know where to go. As soon as I got into the senior hall, I saw a lot of familiar faces.

"Pine! Over here!" Emily called to me from a couple lockers down.
"What locker do you have?" She immediately asked.
"Hold on," I finally looked at my schedule, "locker 307".
"Nice. I got 310," Emily replied.
It's 8:50, so we have ten minutes until class starts. That also means that Alice and Jasper should be coming along.
"Look who decided to finally show up," Emily whispered. I looked in the direction that her eyes were looking.
"Late" I smirked at them.
"By one minute," Alice laughed. Jasper just rolled his eyes.
"School doesn't even start for another nine minutes," Jasper leaned against the locker beside Emily.

"What classes do you guys have?" I changed the subject.
"Gym, L. A. ,social, math, then science," Emily replied.
"Gym, math, social, L. A. , science," Jasper said.
"Gym, social,  L. A. , math, and then science," Alice smiled.
"So we basically have similar schedules. I have exactly Alice's. Ugh! I'm stuck with you," I sarcastically complained and she stuck her tongue out at me.
"What about Avery's?" Emily asked.
"I don't know, I haven't seen her since I left," I looked around.

I immediately gagged, when I saw Avery with some jocks tongue down her throat.
"What?" Alice asked. I pointed at them.
"Ew," Jasper muttered.
Alice looked at me and I looked at her. We both smirked, knowing what each other were thinking. Emily gagged.
Alice and I walked over to Avery and that guy. I stood behind Emily and Alice stood behind the guy.
We both started making puking noises. Avery jumped back in shock. Sam, the jock, looked between Alice and I.
"Really?!" Avery whisper-yelled.
"What a great start to the year! Am I right?" I smirked.
She huffed and stormed off to the cheerleaders.

Yeah, that's my sister. I would call her a slut, but she's my sister. Eh, she's a slut. I still love her though.
We are almost opposites.
I've had a couple boyfriends, she's had at least a hundred. She's a cheerleader, I'm not a jock, but I'm sort of in the middle. Avery has dirty blonde hair, I have brown hair.
Life is a competition between her and I.

"Nice," Jasper chuckled. He gave Alice a kiss on the cheek and she smiled at him. Honestly, they are the cutest couple in the world.
"Look who the cat dragged in," Alice teased and pointed over my shoulder.

There they stood. The hottest guys in school. Grayson and Ethan.
Emily winked at me. I looked back over at the boys. They were surrounded by most of the populars. Grayson and I made eye contact for a second. I broke the contact and looked back at my friends.

Alice gasped.
"Did the one and only Grayson Dolan just check out Olivia Pine?" Alice asked. I looked back at him and his eyes were locked on me.
"Oooooh! Olivia!" Jasper giggled in a little girls voice. We all laughed.
"But seriously, he did check you out. And Grayson's still staring at you" Emily whispered.

Grayson? Interesting...
"Better get to Grayson before Avery does" Jasper muttered. I looked back over my shoulder. Avery walked straight towards Grayson.
Thinking fast, I cut in front of her and started talking to Grayson.

"Hey! How was summer?" I asked making sure that Ave was behind me.
"Not to bad. Got to hang out with the boys. How was yours?" Grayson smirked.
"It was great. I haven't seen to you since that party in the summer," Avery started heading back to her cheer squad, "you look great by the way" I bite my lip.
"Thanks. You too. Catch you later" Grayson smirked.
With that, the bell rang.

Everybody pushed each other around, to get to class. Emily, Alice, Jasper and I walked to the gym.
"Geez there are a lot of freshman this year" Alice commented.
"I know right?" I took off my shirt and jeans.
"Great, my brother is now here" Emily complained.
"Hey! At least you aren't stuck with him every year" I complained back.

We finished changing into our gym strip and walked to the gym.
Jasper greeted us with a simple hello and a hug for Alice.
"So, we saw you flirting with Grayson" Jasper winked.
"Trust me, he's going to be mine by the end of the year" I smirked.
"Better watch out for Ave" Emily looked at me.
"Oh please, almost every guy is drooling over Olivia" Alice winked at me.

"Grayson's already mine. Avery hasn't even talked to him yet" I snickered.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that. Speaking of the devils" Jasper pointed to the left.
Avery was hovering over Grayson. She twirled her hair with her fingers.
It's on. Grayson's mine. Not yours Avery. You've just started something, that you don't want to mess with.

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