Chapter 4: Sleepover

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
Reader's P.O.V

As you, Liz, Patti and Kid approached the mansion you noticed it was strangely symmetrical. "This is definitely Kid's mansion" you thought as you looked at the mansion in awe. You were snapped out of your thought by Patti taking your hands and dragging you to her and Liz's room.

"So (Y/n) what do you think?" Asked Liz while you looked around the room.

"It's really cute" you said as you looked around. The room had dark pink walls with white circle patterns on them. It also had a chandelier on the ceiling some some chairs and a dresser with some flowers on it. Last but not least in the middle of the room there were two pink colored beds with light pink covers and a light colored pink nightstand with hot pinks handles shaped like hearts and on top of the nightstand they were tons of pictures. (a/n: Pic above also picture there being to beds instead of one). To say the least the room was really like them. And really pink.

"Anyways (Y/n) I hope you don't mind but we invited some of our friends" said Liz while you wondered when she did that.

"It's fine Liz" you said as you then realized something

"Um Liz does Kid know about this?" You asked

"Ummm he will know eventually" responded Liz smiling sheepishly while you just looked at her in disbelief. "Poor Kid" you thought as you shook your head.

"Well I think we should head down before our guest arrive" Liz said while you and Patti nodded in agreement.

You, Liz and Patti headed down stairs to see Kid with a ruler at hand seeing if the painting in the wall was symmetrical. He was so concentrated he didn't notice you, Liz and Patti going down the stairs. A couple of minutes passed and as you, Liz and Patti were chatting the doorbell rang neither of you three heard but Kid did so he went to get it. When he opened the door he was surprised to see his friends there

"Umm this may sound a bit rude but what are all of you doing here?" Kid asked

"Well we're here for the sleepover" said Tsubaki sweetly while holding her sleeping bag on one hand and a backpack strapped around her shoulder

"What sleepover?" Kid questioned while Liz pushed him aside and let everyone in

"Welcome, welcome all" she said as Kid just then realized what she was up to

"Liz, Patti a word" he said

Then you heard Kid asking them question Patti giggling Liz pretending she didn't have anything to do with it and that he probably did it and so on and so fort. After a couple of minutes he gave up while Liz and Patti high five'd each other while you just stared at them smiling slightly and shaking your head.

After everyone settled down you all started thinking of what to do

"Maybe we can play a game" suggested Tsubaki as Black*Star stood up and said

"The great and powerful Black*Star knows what to play" he paused for dramatic effect and then said "We'll play Truth or Dare!!!" He said as you all agreed not really caring

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