Chapter 2: Meeting him

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color

Kid's P.O.V

Liz and Patti and I were heading towards the Death Room after completing our mission. I could hear Liz and Patti chatting about something but I didn't quite pay attention. As we were entering the Death Room I saw father talking to a (h/c) headed girl with big
(e/c) eyes. Just as Liz and Patti entered the room she turned around and said

"Liz, Patti is that you?"

"(Y/n) is that you?" Questioned Liz as Patti was right beside her. " They know each other,"I thought as the girl who I assumed was named (Y/n) ran to them and hugged them. After them hugging and crying a little(how awfully girly)I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"What are you doing here?" Liz asked after they all broke the hug.

"Oh well,I..uh discovered I was a weapon!Consequently I had to go the academy,obviously,but my mother told me what happened to you two after she found out the truth a few days before that, and since then I've been looking everywhere for you two," the girl explained.

"What do you mean "found out the truth"?" Liz questioned.

"Oh,right!I was supposed to tell you guys anyway.When you were in the streets,we all thought you guys were dead since your "parents" told us that. We were all so sure they were telling the truth.I was even depressed since I love you guys sooo much but then my mom found out you were alive and you were here at the academy all thanks to someone."the girl answered. "I can't believe Liz and Patti had to go through that,"I thought as I looked at them.

"Wow I can't believe them,"said Liz with pure disgust in her voice while Patti just looked expressionless.

"Anyway enough about them tell me who helped you guys?" She questioned.

Just as Liz was about to answer I caught her off by asking,

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but,who is she?"

They all turned to look at me as I stared at them back.

"Oh right, how rude of me! My name is (Y/n) Thompson and I'm their cousin," the girl- I mean
(Y/n) said. "Wait a minute did she just say their cousin?" I questioned in my mind.

"Well my name is Death the Kid but call me Kid and I'm their meister," I said as she looked at me and smiled.

"So Liz what were you saying?" She questioned, turning around looking once again at Liz.

"Oh right well as I was saying before I got interrupted,"she said while looking or more like glaring at me,"The person who took us off the streets was actually Kid."

She turned around and looked at me right in the eyes.

Your P.O.V

"Thank you so much for helping my cousins," you said while looking at him.

"It's really not a problem after all they are incredibly symmetrical weapons,"he said.

You looked at him puzzled by what he said. You just shrugged it off. Just then you noticed his hair and how he has three white stripes on one side. You also noticed his golden eyes they were so mesmerizing,you couldn't help but stare at them.Just then you snapped out of your gaze and decided to ask him a question.

"Hey not to pry or anything but why do you have three white stripes on one side of your hair?"

Just as you said that,he fell to the floor and started saying stuff about how he was such an asymmetrical piece of garbage and how he should just die.Your eyes widened in surprised as you looked at Patti laughing and Liz trying to comfort him but loosing her patience. You approached kid and said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you I'm sure you are a great person (a/n: more like shinigami) and I'm sure you will be a great reaper some day!" you said as you smiled at him.

"You really think so?" He questioned while looking at you

"Yeah now what do you think of getting off the floor and drying those tears," you said as he looked at you and nodded.

"Wow (Y/n) I can't believe you calmed him down so quickly,"said Liz while Patti tried to calm down her laughter.

"What do you mean?" You questioned as you looked at Liz.

"Well our meister has this thing about symmetry," she explained.

"Ohhh so that's what he meant when he said about you two being symmetrical weapons, since well you two are twin pistols,"you said.

Just then you realized that Lord Death was still there
(A/n: I totally forgot about him)

"Well that was interesting, anyway I'll assign you to the E.A.T class since from what I heard you already know the basics plus it'll be a good way for you, Liz and Patti to catch up,"he said while looking at you three.

"Anyway have a good day see you soon,"he said while waving

"Ok then see ya,"you said and started walking out of the death room with Liz, Patti and Kid behind you.

"Well that was eventful,"you said.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Liz asked

"Yes?" You questioned

"Would you like to meet our friends?" Liz asked

"Sure why not" you responded while looking at Liz

"Ok then follow us" Liz said while taking your hand leading the way.

"Guess I'm now making new friends" you thought as you tried to keep up with Liz, Patti and Kid.

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