Chapter 16: Getting ready

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

As you sat in class, trying to pay attention to professor Stein's lesson on dissecting, you found your mind wandering to the last conversation you had with Kid.


As you and Kid parted for air, you were both blushing madly. You immediately looked away from him, not wanting for him to see your blushing face. After a couple of minutes of silence you slowly turned your head, only to see him looking down with a slight smile on his face. You kept looking at him until he raised his head and was meet with your (e/c) staring at him.

"Kid/(Y/n), I have to tell you something" you both said simultaneously. You blushed a bit while he just chuckled.

"Okay you first" you said while he nodded.

"Well (Y/n), for quite some time now, I've had some feelings for you and I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me" he said shyly while looking down.

You were shocked to say the least. "He likes me? The son of lord Death likes me?" You thought. Silence fell upon the room as you tried to get your mind together. As he looked up once again, you looked at his eyes and said,

"Yes, I would like to go on a date with you"

***Flashback over***

You were snapped out of your mini-flashback by a small paper ball hitting the back of your head. As you turned around you noticed Kid with a sly smile on his face and immediately knew the note was from him. You turned around and opened the note which said,

Meet me at 8:00 pm, by the front door. I'll be taking you somewhere. Can't wait ;)
Ps: Where something fancy.

You smiled as you turned around and nodded your head at him. He smiled in return, and you turned around. You looked to your right and saw Maka giving you a weird look as she looked at you and then Kid. She then had this "I figured it out" face and looked at you and Kid with a smirk. As you tapped your fingers against the table impatiently, you noticed Ethan looking at you with a weird look.

"Everything okay there?" He asked you

"Yeah, it's just that I really want this to be over" you responded

"Oh, have anywhere in particular to be?" He questioned.

"Well, maybe" you said while smiling sheepishly.

"Let me guess, is it with someone in particular, like maybe, I don't know, Lord Death son?" He said as you blushed.

"How'd you know?" You asked him.

"I saw the note" he said while you just slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Hey you shouldn't be reading other people's notes" you scolded as he just chuckled.

"Whatever" he responded and put his attention once again on the lesson.

After a few more minutes the bell rang, signaling it was finally time for lunch. As you stood up from your seat, you grabbed your books and headed out the door. You felt a hand grabbing your shoulder making you turn around. As you turned around, you saw the hand belonged to Maka, and noticed she had a determined face.

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