Chapter 9: Dreams

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit
Reader's P.O.V

You woke up in what seemed to be a sort of  weird, empty, dark hallway. The weird part was that the hallway didn't have any window or doors and the only light it had was just one single light bulb  hanging from the ceiling. You were squinting your eyes trying to see what was at the end of the hallway but to no avail. You started heading towards the end of the hallway hoping to somehow find and exit.

As you continued walking you somewhat felt like you weren't moving. At all.

"What's going on" you thought as you started to run. You kept running and running but nothing seemed to be moving. After a while of just plain running you stopped since you really didn't find any reason to continue unless you were planning to tire yourself out. "I need to get out of here" you thought.

Suddenly a row of light bulbs lit up the hallway, all of them leading to a door. "Finally a way out" you thought heading straight towards the door. You ran as fast as you could afraid that the door would disappear. As soon as you reached it, you opened the door cautiously and stepped inside.As soon as you were inside the room, the door closed and disappeared leaving you in complete and utter darkness.

"Hello? Anybody here?" You asked aloud. After that, in the blink of an eye a white light appeared over what looked like a body on the ground. You slowly approached it afraid of what it may be. Once you were close to it, you were about to inspect it until it disappeared.

Suddenly everything started to turn crimson red, the walls, the lights, the floor, everything. Then you started hearing faint whispers but one whisper stood out from the rest of them. You couldn't quite hear it but the thing you could make out was,

"Don't let your guard down (Y/n), whatever you do don't trust -" the whisper dies down leaving you with thousands of questions running around your mind. As you were slowly walking backwards still not understanding what was going on you heard something.

"(Y-, (Y/n-, (Y/n) wak-, (Y/n) wake up!"

In an instant the floor instantly disappeared leaving you falling, into the dark, cold abyss.

**** end of dream*****

You suddenly woke up, beads of sweat were running down your forehead as you were met with the worried looks of both your cousins and their meister.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Asked a concerned Liz.

"Yeah I'm fine just had a bad dream, don't worry about it" you said while giving them a reassuring smile.

"Okay if you say so" said Liz kinda convinced by your answer but not completely. You could feel a pair of eyes on you and as you turned your head you saw a pair of golden orbs eyeing you warily. You gave him a questioning glance while he just shook his head.

"Anyways, what happened? Why am I in the nurses office?" You questioned while they just looked at each other.

"Well (Y/n), you see while you and Ethan were having your fight against Soul and Maka something happened. We believe that somehow Maka and Soul were hypnotized or controlled by something or someone making them fall into a state of madness. Luckily it seems it was only temporarily. So you don't have to worry they're fine. Right after they knocked you and Ethan out, Lord Death appeared and then they tried to attack but Stein just knocked them unconscious." Liz explained while you just couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"Does this have any connection to the dream I just had? It can't possibly mean anything right? What if this is all my fault?" You questioned in your head. You got snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of footsteps.

"(Y/n) you shouldn't blame yourself. No one could of know this was going to happen so no one really blames anybody for this. I'm sure Maka and Soul are fine, after all they've done this before and I'm sure they'll do it again" he said with his typical neutral expression, "now if you excuse me I must leave I must complete a favor for my father, I hope you get better soon (Y/n) " he said now leaving the room.

You smiled a bit. After a few minutes of talking with both your cousins and laughing you suddenly remembered something.

"Oh my Death what happened to Ethan? Is he okay? What kinda weapon am I for not worrying about her meister? I should be fired from thi-"

"(Y/n)! He's fine. He woke up almost an hour before you" Liz said while you just sighed in relief.

"That's good to hear at least I didn't fail completely as a weapon" you said sadly while Liz just smiled at you.

"Don't worry (Y/n) you did the best you could and that's really the one thing that anyone could ask for" Patti said while you and Liz just stared at her shocked.

"Thanks Patti" you said giving her a closed eyed smile.

"When did my little sister become so wise" said Liz laughing while Patti just giggled.

"Umm Liz? Patti? Can we go home? I really don't want to stay here any longer than I have to" you said while you smiled sheepishly.

"Okay but can you stand?" Questioned Liz.

You pushed yourself out of the bed and as soon as you tried to stand up your legs immediately failed you making you fall backwards onto the bed.

"I'm guessing that's a clear no" Liz mumbled under her breath.

"You think!?" You replied back to her sarcastically while she just rolled her eyes.

"Can you transform into your weapon form?" Questioned Patti.

"I can try" you said.

You thought of your weapon form and soon enough felt that familiar feeling that you were now in your weapon form.

"What now?" You questioned.

"Well now we can take you home silly" said Patti while giggling.

"Okay just don't swing me around a lot" you said and they just laughed.

"No promises" said Liz with a teasing tone. After that the three of you got out of the nurses office and headed straight to the mansion. The whole way there only one thing was on your mind.

"Could my dream mean something?"

No one's P.O.V

A hooded figure hid, concealed in the shadows. As the tree girls left the figure stepped out reveling their presence

"Phase one went completely as planned. Those stupid meisters and weapons won't know what hit them. Once their down nothing can stop us, not even that pesky Lord Death. And once he's down the madness will finally win." The hooded figure said as it laughed evilly.

It's laughed echoed through the empty infirmary. The door started rattling making the hooded figure look at the window. The door opened revealing a student. 

"Hey you stop right their" said the student

The hooded figure jumped through the window not aware that it left behind something of most importance.

"Damn it" it thought as it made its escape.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment and vote. Thank you guys so much for reading I really appreciate all 283 of you. Anyways until next time.


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