Chapter 25: The end

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

Everyone in Death City was preparing for Lord Death's funeral. You were no different. You were currently at Kid's mansion, along with your cousins, waiting to leave. You knew how hard this was on Kid, and only hoped you could help in some way. Lord Death last words ringed through your head, and you couldn't help but agree with them.

"He is going to be a great shinigami" you muttered to no one in particular.

Suddenly you heard Kid coming down the stairs. You looked at him a small smile on your face as you saw him holding his father's mask.

"You ready?" You asked, earning a nod from him. The four of you headed out the door, hearts heavy but minds full.

Before you could even make your way towards the academy, you intertwined your hand with his, giving it a light reassuring squeeze. You could see the small trace of a smile form at his lips making you the slightest bit happy.

As the four of you continued your journey to academy along the way you met up with the rest of your friends and soon, most of Death City. Once all of you reached the academy, everyone starters heading towards the Death Room. The ceremony was taking place there.

People filled the room, everyone filled with sorrow at the sudden lost of a great leader.You took notice at how many meisters and weapons filled the room, all of them brought together.

"Kid shouldn't you say a speech or something?" Questioned Patti while Kid nodded his head in agreement, a little sigh escaping his lips.

"How about you do that last, I could start the funeral  if you'd like" you suggested, a small smile on your lips.

"If that okay with you, I'd really like that" he honestly said as you nodded.

You sound tarted making your way towards Lord Death's mirror. As you turned on your heel to face the crowd, you couldn't help the memories from Lord Death's final moments fill your mind. You cleared your throat catching everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone" you greeted,

"Thank you from coming me here today. Today's the day we solemnly mourn the lost of a leader, a friend, a mentor, a father, and overall a friend. Many of us wouldn't even be here if it weren't for him. Heck wouldn't us even realize our potential if it weren't for him. He had a vision for the future, a vision that will continue. This academy is his legacy, and nothing can change that. I was lucky enough to be here with him in his final moments" you exclaimed, immediately setting your eyes on Kid.

"He told me that his son, Death the Kid, would become a great shinigami, and I don't doubt that for a second. We had a great lost this year, and even though Lord Death isn't here with us anymore, I'd like to believe he wouldn't want us to be sad, he'd want us to be happy. His death isn't a cause for sadness, rather a moment for new beginnings" you stated. You could feel Kid's eyes on you, a small smile at his lips.

Everyone seemed to follow with what you were saying, their eyes never leaving you. Amongst the crowd of people you could spot your friends, your cousins, your classmates and teachers. You could see how even though they all just lost someone they deeply cared for, it somehow brought them closer together. You looked at Kid, asking if he was ready to which he nodded. He made his way next to you, clearing his throat once he was there.

"My father is the only family I've had. He's been with me from the very beginning. Before the academy, before I was a meister, I always looked up to him. I wanted to be him if that makes sense. Even though I realize no one could take his place, I hope to keep his legacy. This academy, all of you, you are his legacy. He wanted this world to be filled of good and not be destroyed by the madness. And that's exactly what we'll do. My father is gone, but his mission will continue to live on. All of us are if part of his vision, and we will continue to honor it, together" he concluded while grabbing my hand.

Everyone erupted into cheers. Lord death's funeral losing its grim tone. Kid suddenly turned to look at you. Your hand intertwined with his.

"Thank you" he said as you smiled.

"For what?" You asked him as he chuckled.

"For being there. For staying. Fir loving me. For being you" he said as you hugged him.

"Anytime Kiddo, anytime" you said as he hugged you back.

"Kid, (Y/n) lets go!" Liz called as you and Kid broke from your embrace.

"Ready?" You asked him, extending a hand out for him.

"Ready" he said, taking your hand in his.

Hi guys! I'm finally down with this story! I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. School has kept me busy. Anyways I'm finally done. Thank so much for reading this crappy story. I hope that you enjoyed and well yeah. I guess this is the last authors note I'll be doing. Maybe I'll do an epilogue in the future who knows but yeah. Thanks to those who commented and voted I really appreciate it. Thanks to those who stayed there form the beginning, I love you all.


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