Chapter 21: Save me |pt. 2

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Kid's P.O.V

As I kept following (Y/n)'s wavelength I could feel the madness growing bigger and bigger by the second. As I kept swimming, I soon saw something, well more like someone, in the distance. As I started swimming towards the figure I soon caught a glimpse of (h/c) hair, making me swim even faster. I stopped, my eyes widening at the sight before me. There she stood wearing a white flowing dress, but it was slowly being tainted by red. As I tried to get near her, I found myself starting to slip away. The madness it was almost taking over me too. I knew I had to get out here as soon as possible, but not before first getting her out.

"(Y/n)!" I yelled, trying to capture her attention. I could see her head moving towards my direction.

"Kid? What are you doing? You have to get out before it's too late!" She said, fear and concern evident in her tone.

"I'm not going anywhere without you!" I stated

"Kid you don't understand, she wants you here! She needs you here!" She said making me confused

"What do you mean by she?" I asked her. As soon as I did tho I managed to get a look at her face. Her once bright (e/c) eyes were now losing their shine, turning into a duller more darker color, her face it had a few cuts, but what shocked me the most was the symbol on her forehead.

"Who did this to you?" I said getting angrier.

"Don't worry about that, you have to get out!"

"I said I wasn't leaving without you!"

"If you don't, she'll get what she wants!" She screamed, by now tears were streaming down her face.

"Kid please listen to me, the longer you stay here the more in danger you are. If you don't leave now, you may never get the chance!"

"I can't do tha-"

"No! You have too! If not her plan will work! She'll be able to-hmmmp!"

"Now now sweetie, wouldn't want you to spoil the plan now would I" a woman said covering her mouth. (Y/n) started to squirm and trash around vigorously while all I could do was stare and watch.

"What are you doing let her go!" I roared trying to get near her, but that proved to be unsuccessful.

"Tsk tsk tsk, would want me to harm your pretty little girlfriend now would you?" She stated giving me a crazy grin.

"Who are you?" I said trying to keep a calm demeanor.

"Well little Death, my name is Minori" she said

"What do you want with her?" I asked clenching my fist.

"What fun would it be if I just told you?" She said, tilting her head to the side, a pout evident in her features.

"Besides, the fun is just about to start" she said flashing me a bright grin. I looked at her questioningly, but that soon changed as she suddenly turned (Y/n) to face her. She lifted a small dagger and started tracing lines around her face. In a swift movement she slashed a small cut against her cheek.

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