Chapter 22: Fighting her

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Kid's P.O.V

I walked through the empty hallways trying to find Liz and Patti. As I kept walking all I could think of was how I would tell them I failed to save their cousin. After a while of walking I stopped. These hallways they were too quiet. "Where is everyone?" I thought as I immediately started running towards my fathers Death room.

As soon as I got in, i saw my father along with my two weapons and Crona.

"Father, what's going on?" I asked him as he turned around.

"Kiddo" he sighed as he looked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"It's (Y/n), she's attacking the city....with Ethan" he stated making my eyes go wide. "This is all my fault" I thought as I looked at Liz and Patti.

"Where are the others?" I questioned.

"Black*Star and Tsubaki still haven't returned. Same goes for Soul, Maka, Stein and Spirit" Liz said as I nodded.

"Liz, Patti, lets go" I said as Liz and Patti slowly nodded. They quickly transformed into their weapon forms, and soon enough we were off to stop (Y/n) and Ethan. As much as it pained me to do this I knew the only way to save her was to stop her.

"Kid do you have a plan?" Questioned Liz as I kept running.

"Not really" I said as Liz sighed. "Will we have to fight her?" Questioned Patti, making me halt to a stop.

"Girls I know this is going to be tough, but we have no other option. If it weren't for me, she would be the one here" I stated

"Kid, you can't blame yourself, this is what (Y/n) wanted" said Liz while Patti agreed. "Lets go beat someone up" said Patti cheerfully making me crack a smile. I continued running, knowing that once I get there, there's no turning back. Suddenly I heard a loud rumble making me stop. As I looked up, I noticed part of roof was suddenly cut off making me jump back. My back hit the rock hard cement and I immediately let out a small groan of pain.

"Aww you missed" said a voice who I longed yet dreaded to hear.

"(Y/n)" I said in a low whisper, making Ethan laugh. I started to stand up, and slowly did a battle stance.

"I'm sorry it has come to this-well actually not really" he said while grinning.

"What happened to you?" I asked making him look at me confused for a moment. I immediately noticed something flash across his eyes, but it left as soon as it came.

"I don't know what you mean, now if you don't mind, I have to kill you right now" he said while giving me a challenging smirk.

"Well then, Ethan Maverick I cannot allow you to keep destroying this city!" I said and immediately my two index fingers went direct to the triggers of my weapons.

I quickly pulled in triggers and started to run around him while he did the same. I skillfully dogged his attacks while he did mine. "Damn his fast" I thought as I kept pulling the trigger over and over again. Ethan soon started getting closer, and before I knew it, he shot me, causing me to fall backwards.

"Kid!" My two weapons said simultaneously. My mind was dizzy, my whole body was burning and all I could hear were the frantic shouts of my two weapons. Then I heard the voice I longed to hear the most.

"It's up to you to save me Kid" (Y/n)'s voice echoed in my head, making me open my eyes. I could see Ethan's smirk starting to disappear as soon as I started standing up. Liz immediately let out a sigh of relief, upon seeing me fully up.

"Girls there's only one way to beat this guy" I stated making them nod in agreement.

"Soul resonance stable, noise at 0.3%"

"Soul wavelength fully charged"

"Preparing to fire"

"Feed back in 4 seconds"




"Firing now"


Third Person P.O.V

Ethan stood shocked for a couple of seconds until his weapon's voice telling him to move snapped him out of his thoughts. He quickly moved to the side hoping to avoid the blast but he wasn't quick enough. He was sent flying backwards, his head hit the hard cement making him immediately fall unconscious. However the blast was not only painful for him but for his weapon also. As soon as it hit them (Y/n) went back to her human form. Now she was laying there on the ground not too far from Ethan. After recovering from the soul resonance, the two weapons and meister quickly rushed to unconscious girl's side.

"(Y/n)!" Screamed the two sisters as they immediately kneeled beside her, their meister no different.

"(Y/n), please wake up" the meister said placing one of his hands on the girl's cheek. The two sisters just liked at him with a flash of pity across their eyes. Liz slowly extended her hand out towards her meister, hoping to be worth of any kind of comfort.

"Kid what do we do know?" Questioned the oldest sister. He quickly stood up, with (Y/n) in his arms carrying her bridal style.

"We have to take her to the academy's infirmary" he simply stated making both weapons stand up.

"What about Ethan?" Questioned Patti, causing him to look at the unconscious boy before him. He quickly placed (Y/n) carefully on Liz's arms and summoned Beelzebub. He quickly placed the unconscious boy on Beelzebub and immediately sent it to the academy's infirmary. After haven't taken care of that, Liz quickly placed (Y/n) in Kid's arms once again, and not soon after the two weapons and the meister made their way towards the academy's infirmary.

"Please be okay (Y/n)" was the only thought going through the three white striped meister as he quickly picked up the pace.

Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed. Anyways please comment and vote. Thank you so much for reading! And well until next time.


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