Chapter 23: The lines of Sanzu

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Kid's P.O.V

After finally arriving at the academy, me, Liz and Patti swiftly made our way towards the academy infirmary. Once there I noticed the door was open and Naigus stood there tending Ethan's wounds. As I looked around the room, my eyes widened as I noticed Maka was laying in one of the beds. I immediately walked in and placed (Y/n) in one of the beds, as carefully as I could.

Not soon after, I went to Soul and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me, his eyes red and puffy as if he has been crying for hours.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Ethan, he did this, THAT BASTARD DID THIS TO MY MAKA" he screamed his anger starting to show.

"Soul calm down-"

"CALM DOWN AFTER WHAT HE DID-" I cut him off by punching him across the face.

"You'll make matters worse if you do something stupid. We can't afford another screw up right now, get yourself together" I stated seriously making him nod.

"Were are the others?" I questioned

"They went to find Minori" he stated as I nodded. I started walking away, but before I was out the door I turned my head a bit and said

"Sorry about the punch"

"No worries, i need that" he said back.

I looked at Naigus and gave her a slight nod which she returned. I looked at (Y/n) one last time and placed a light kiss on her forehead. As I moved away I looked at Liz and Patti, and without another word they transformed.

As we walked out of the academy I knew I needed to find where the others were. I quickly turned on my soul perception and tried to locate Stein and Spirit's souls. Not long after I saw their my mansion? I quickly shook off the thought and quickly started to make my way there. As I kept running I couldn't help but feel a sudden caution. Why would Spirit and Stein be at my house?

As I finally arrived, I noticed one of my very symmetrical doors was run down.

"Damn it if your going to destroy something at least do it symmetrically" I muttered as I pointed my weapons to the other door.

"Kid what are you-"


"There, now it's symmetrical" I stated proudly. Dust covered the whole place, but I didn't mind. Liz let out an annoyed sigh while Patti just laughed.

Suddenly I heard loud footsteps approaching. I immediately went into a battle stance preparing for what was to come. I was about to press the trigger until I noticed gray hair.

"Professor Stein?" I questioned out loud. I didn't receive a respond and soon enough I knew something wasn't right.

"Girls get ready to fire" I whispered. Soon the gray hair become more and more visible. Professor Stein now stood in front of me, blood covering his lab coat.

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