Chapter 7: Getting a meister

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit
Reader's P.O.V

We reached the academy in one piece, miraculously (a/n: 2 references in one sentence wow). Kid was pretty happy with himself considering we reached the school at exactly 8:08 am. You on the other hand never felt happier to see the ground. You steeped out of Beelzebub with shaky legs and lost your balance immediately. As you were about to hit the floor a pair of arms grabbed you and kept you steady.

"You okay (Y/n)?" Asked Kid

"Y-yeah I-I'm totally f-fine" you stuttered while blushing.

"Don't want you falling for me now do we?" Kid said jokingly while you blushed even more.

After regaining your balance you thanked Kid with a sheepish smile. Patti started to gag at all the lovey dovey stuff while Liz just laughed at her sisters antics. You and Kid both started blushing making Liz laugh even more.

After Liz finally calmed down; you, her, Patti, and Kid started heading towards the crescent moon classroom hoping to somewhat get in unnoticed. As all of you hurried through the halls you accidentally bumped into someone making you fall backwards.

"Owww" you said.

"I'm so so sorry I was in a hurry and I didn't see you there" said a deep voice which you presumed belonged to a boy.

"It's fine don't worry about it i was in a hurry myself" you replied

As you looked up, you saw your assumption was correct as a boy stood in front of you. As you looked at him you noticed he had blonde hair, caramel colored eyes and a black headpiece with a yellow nine in the corner. He also wore a white jacket with two black stripes as his sides, an orange shirt and lastly had a strapped backpack on his left sleeve.

He offered his hand to help you stand up and you gladly took it. As you got up from the ground you noticed he was wearing a pin saying "meister".

"So anyways may I ask what your name is?" He asked

"Oh I'm (Y/n) and you are?"

"Ethan" he said

"So where were you guys heading to in such a hurry?" he asked

"Oh well we were heading to the crescent moon classroom how about you?" you asked politely

"I actually was heading there myself, say you don't mind if we walk there together do you? I really don't know my way around here" He said while smiling

"Sure lets go" you said.

As you were about to start moving forward a hand grabbed your arm making you stop. You looked back to see the arm belonged to Kid. You gave him a questioning glance as he just motioned for you to follow him.

"Class is this way" He said with his neutral expression. "What's up with him" you thought as you quickly looked at him. After a bit you just  nodded an followed him.

As all of you started heading towards class you noticed Kid didn't let go of your arm. You didn't want to make it awkward so you didn't say anything. Or at least that's what you were telling yourself. In reality you liked the warmth his hand was providing. It felt kinda nice. After a while, all of you finally reached the classroom and tried to sneak in without the professor noticing. Key word tried.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A little late aren't you all" said a guy holding a scalping knife over what looked like an exotic bird.
(A/n: is that what it's called a scalping knife?).

Your eyes widened as you looked at him. He had snow white hair, some stitches running across his face and body. The same stitch pattern was around his clothes which you found odd but decided not to question it that much. But the thing that stood out the most was the giant screw sticking out of his head. He started turning his screw and you couldn't help but think "How isn't that affecting his brain, like wouldn't it feel weird to have a screw in your head and what's with all the stic-"

You got snapped out of your thoughts by Liz shaking your arm.

"What" you whispered

"He asked you what's your name" said Liz while you just started blushing in embarrassment

"O-oh I'm (Y/n) Thompson sir" you said politely

"Oh, miss Thompson I'm professor Stein you must be the new girl so that must mean the boy beside you is your mister correct?" He said with a kind of bored tone

"N-no not really, I just met him this morning" you said with an awkward smile

"Yep the name is Ethan Maverick" he said calmly

"Oh that's right mister Maverick here was supposed to start yesterday" said the professor as he glanced at Ethan.

"Sorry about that stuff came up" he said sheepishly while Stein just turned his screw as a response.

"Well miss Thompson since you don't have a meister and it's pretty clear that mister Maverick here doesn't have a weapon then why don't we see how you two work together then" Stein said while both of you just shrugged your shoulders.

After that professor Stein signaled Maka and Soul to come down and stand beside him.

"Okay, I want you two too show me what you've got. We can dissect the bird later." he said while the bird just let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay now follow me" professor Stein said as you four did what you were told.

Everybody headed outside to see the fight that was about to come. You weren't sure what to do since you've never fought with somebody else before. As you looked to the side, you saw Ethan had a pure look of confidence as if he has done this before. You on the other hand didn't looks so great. Ethan looked at and gave you a reassuring look. You nodded your head as if to say you were ready. You transformed into your weapon form and felt yourself being thrown in the air as a pair of arms got you. It all came so natural to both of you as if you two have know each other for years.

"Ready to win (Y/n)?" Asked Ethan with a sly smile

"I'm ready when you are" you replied

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's going to take a lot more than talking to beat me and Soul, right Soul?" Said Maka

"Yep cool guys always win" replied Soul

"Well then lets show this guys what we're made of (Y/n)" he said.

After that you two grinned at each other knowing that maybe you two had a really slight chance of winning.

No one's P.O.V

Profesor Stein looked at the group at teens standing in front of him getting ready to fight. He couldn't help but think of one thing before the fight started,

"This is certainly going to be and interesting fight."

Hope you enjoyed. Also please comment and vote. Sorry for the late update. Anyways thanks for reading.


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