Chapter 19: Save me |pt.1

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

You suddenly woke up with a throbbing pain in your head. As you looked around the room you noticed you were in the academy's infirmary. "Where is everybody?" you asked yourself as you looked around the empty room. After a while you noticed how quiet the room was, too quiet to be exact. Usually you would hear students walking down the hallways or some teachers, but now you couldn't hear a thing. It was like everyone disappeared. "Maybe I should go look around" you thought. Without giving it much thought, you decided to stand up from the bed, which caused your head to throb even more violently.

You carefully steeped out the infirmary, only to be met with nothing. Soon, the once open infirmary door, came to a close leaving you in complete and utter darkness.

"Hello, is anybody there?"





You asked, but of course, no one responded.

You soon heard what sounded like a creaky door opening. Then a dim light appeared above you, illuminating and old door. You cautiously made your way towards it. As soon as you steeped inside, the door closed behind you, making you jump a bit. You suddenly looked at your surroundings and saw you were in a classroom, crescent moon classroom to be exact. As you looked at the seats you noticed a figure was sitting in one of them. It was a girl, but you've never seen her before. She had medium length brown hair and golden eyes. As soon as she saw you a smirk made its way towards her lips.

"Hello there, (Y/n)" she said

"H-How do you know my name?" You questioned her, stuttering a bit.

"Well it would be rude not to know my brother's weapon, now would it?" She said.

"Wait what?!"

"That's right sweetie I'm Ethan's sister" she said clearly enjoying your confusion.

"I'm not in the academy, am I?" You asked her.

"Not exactly" she only answered.


"You see, your body is at the academy, but your soul is slowly being taken over by madness, meaning-"

"I'm trapped" you said cutting her off.

"Exactly!" She said cheerfully while clapping her hands together.

"What do you want with me?" You questioned her.

"Actually, I want nothing, but I know someone who will do anything to get you back, and that little girl, is useful to me" she said.

"Leave Kid out of this" you growled making her amused.

"Now now, who said anything about your little friend?" She said mockingly making you clench your fist.

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