Chapter 11: The double date?

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Kid's P.O.V

As I was listening to professor Stein's lecture my mind couldn't help but wonder to the conversation I had with Soul this morning. "I wonder how that will go, like will I'll just come up with an excuse an leave or something. Well it doesn't really matter now I'll just have to wait and see" I thought.

After a couple of more minutes the lecture was finally over. I stood up and started to head towards the front on the academy where Soul said we should meet. As I reached the front of the academy I saw Soul leaning over one of the walls with his hands in his pockets. I started heading towards him and once I was there he acknowledged my presence with a nod which I returned.

"So are we gonna wait for Maka or will she just meet us there?" I asked.

"Oh yeah she'll just meet us there" he said. He suddenly turned around and looked at me as if wanting to tell me something.

"Kid there's something you should know" he said I stared at him.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Well Maka isn't exactly coming alone" he said as his voice started to get quieter and quieter by the end.


"I'm sorry man it's just that I kinda freaked and well I kinda set you up on a date" he said as he started to rub the back of his neck.

"It's fine Soul what's done is done" I said keeping my stoic expression as always.

"Anyways we should probably start heading there unless we want to be late" I said as he nodded in agreement.

The walk there was quiet for some of the time, that is until Soul stared to freak out over some simple stuff. After calming him down we finally arrived at Death Cafe and decided to sit down on a booth while we wait for the girls.

After a long while the doors jingled signaling someone arrived. I could see Maka and someone beside her but couldn't quite make out who it was clearly since Maka was blocking them. After Maka saw us, she started heading towards us and the other girl was close behind. As Maka greeted us the other girl suddenly came to stand beside her and my eyes widened as I saw who it was.



Reader's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?!" You both said simultaneously.

As you both looked at each other with pure shock, both of you failed to notice the laughter of your two friends.

"We should give them some privacy" whispered Maka to a laughing Soul as he nodded eagerly. After that, they stood up and left to another table leaving behind an oblivious Kid and (Y/n).

After a few more seconds you and Kid snapped out of your shocked state. You stood there like a fool trying to find the right words to say but came up with nothing.

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