Chapter 15: Unexpected

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Kid's P.O.V

"How come father only informed me about this now" I thought as I walked down the empty halls of the academy. As I made my way out the entrance doors, I couldn't help but to recall the events that happened before.


I was sitting in class, listening to Stein lecture about another dissection we'll be doing, until he got interrupted by a student entering the classroom, and handing him a note. As he read it he suddenly looked at me and said,

"Kid, your father wants to see you"

I nodded my head. Me and my weapons where about to stand up until Stein cleared his throat and said,


Both my weapons gave me weird looks, but I just shrugged them off. As I got out of the classroom and made my way towards my father's Death room, I started to wonder why he might want to see me for.
As I entered the Death room I saw my father staring towards his mirror. I cleared my triathlon and he turned around.

"Hello father, you wanted to see me?" I said.

"Hello kiddo" he said as he gave me a peace sign.

"How are you doing" he said referring to my wound

"Better I guess"

"Anyways what was so important that you had to see me?" I asked him.

"Well you see, some weeks ago we had a break in at the academy. The person who broke in didn't steal anything because one of our students caught them. Lucky for us, the person dropped something before they left" he said as he showed me shiny golden chain.

"Father I've seen this before" I said, "that new meister, Ethan, has a chain around his neck pretty similar to this one, I'm still not sure if it's the same tho"

"Interesting, first the lack of information and now this" my father murmured.

"What do you mean by 'lack of information'?" I asked him.

"Well you see, I asked Sid to do a background check on the new students and he did, but Ethan's file didn't contain almost any information. It only contained basic information, like his birthday, his hometown and some names of relatives, but apart from that basically nothing else" my father explained.

After a minute of silence or so, my father looked at me straight in the eyes and said.

"Kid, I want you to keep an eye on Ethan, if he does anything suspicious I want you to report immediately to me"

I nodded my head, and said,

"Is that all for now father?" I asked him.

He nodded but before I left he also said,

"Kiddo lets keep this between you and me"

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