Chapter 5: Hanging out

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
Reader's P.O.V

You woke up to the sound of people arguing and panicking. As you rubbed your eyes sleepily you smelled smoke. Your eyes shot open as you looked around the room to find a cloud of smoke coming from the kitchen and people trying too put out a fire.
You got out of your sleeping bag in a flash and went to help. You coughed a bit since the smoke was getting heavier by the minute.

As you entered you saw a panicked Maka and Soul trying to put out the fire a screaming Liz saying she was to hot to die, a giggling Patti, a worried Tsubaki, a really scared Crona, and Black*Star saying that the fire couldn't hurt him since the fire wasn't as hot as him. This comment made you roll your eyes at his stupidity. You then saw in the corner of the kitchen a fire extinguisher and went running to get it. You got the fire extinguisher and moved Maka, Soul, and Black*Star out of the way to put out the fire. As you did everyone left out a sigh of relief as you looked at them trying to figure out why nobody tried to use the fire extinguisher.

"Okay what happened?" You questioned as everyone looked at Black*Star with an angry glare

"What I didn't do anything" Black*Star said defensively.

As he said that everyone started arguing while you just shook your head.

"Okay, everyone cal-" you got cut off by Maka and Soul screaming at Black*Star while Tsubaki just tried to defend him.

"Guys, guys, GUYS, EVERYBODY SHUT UP" You said as everyone immediately shut up.

"Okay now I want to know what happened and no arguing." you said

"Well we tried to make breakfast since we were hungry but as you can see that failed thanks to Black*Star." said an annoyed Maka

"Okay Black*Star what did you do?" You asked as you crossed your arms and looked at him with a demanding look.

"Well I thought that the bacon should be more crispy so I decided to turn up the heat." Said Black*Star

After that everyone just stared- well more like glared- at him. After 5 minutes of intense silence Black*Star finally cracked

"Okay, okay I'm sorry gosh I'll never do it again." said Black*Star while you smiled and nodded.

"Okay well we should start cleani-" you got cut off by a huge gasp. "Oh my Death we are screwed" you thought as you turned around to see a horrified Kid.

"Kid look I know this looks horrible but-"

"Horrible this is a nightmare." Kid said as he looked at his kitchen.

"It's not even symmetrical anymore my poor, poor symmetry" he said as he approached the burned counter. Everyone slowly tried to back away but were caught when Kid turned and his face held an angry expression.

"Look Kid we know your mad but you really need to calm down." said Maka while you nodded in agreement.

"Who did this?" Asked Kid getting angrier and angrier.

"Kid after you calm down we'll tell you just please relax. Look I know your symmetry is destroyed and that now you feel like you want to kill someone but you gotta keep in mind that this was an accident and that none of us ever meant for this to happen" you said as you slowly approached Kid.

You took his hand in yours and looked him right in the eye and said,

"Kid how about we clean and fix this mess together, does that sound like a good plan to you?"

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