Chapter 12: My Fault

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

"We are screwed"

Was the only thing that was going through your mind as you looked at the kishin that was before you.  
You started to think of ways to go get help but none of them ended well in your head. As you stood there thinking you didn't notice the kishin running up to you, ready to attack you.

"(Y/n)! Get out of the way!" Screamed Kid as you snapped out of it. As soon as you saw it's eyes you were petrified. The kishin was getting closer, and closer. It was about to strike you, so you instinctively closed your eyes. That is until someone pushed you out of the way.

You landed on the ground with a "thud". You opened your (e/c) eyes and saw golden ones staring down at you with worry.

"(Y/n), you okay?" He asked while you nodded in response. As both of you stood up he looked at you as if thinking of something.

"Look we won't last long like this, so this is what we'll do" he said while you looked at him with curious eyes, "I'll distract the kishin then you run as fast as you can and go get Maka and Soul, I'm sure they still haven't left."

"Kid I-I can't leave yo-"

"You must, is the only way" he said, as you unwillingly nodded your head.

"Okay on my signal you go" he said while all you could do was nod.

"Hey you," he called to the kishin as it turned around to look at him "yeah, you if you want my soul, some and get it" he said as the kishin licked his lips hungrily and started to run after him

"(Y/N), GO NOW" He yelled while you took off, running as fast as you could.

As you ran and ran through the streets, you couldn't help but to think of every worst case scenario that could happen.

"What if I can't find Maka and Soul? What if i don't make it in time? What if it's too late and Kid's de-" you were snapped from your thoughts as you bumped into someone

"(Y/n) are you okay? Where's Kid?" Asked Maka

"We need help. A kishin appeared and Kid can't use me so he sent me to find you guys" you said as Maka nodded her head.

"Soul lets go!" She said as Soul nodded and transformed.

They took of with you closely behind them. As you three ran, your mind was only filled with one thought,

"Please be okay Kid"

Kid's P.O.V

"(Y/N), GO NOW!" I yelled while she ran. "Okay now that she's safe, lets see how I can keep him occupied" I thought as my eyes now focused on the kishin before me.

"What are you waiting for ugly, come and get me" I said as the chase began.

It started attacking me by utilizing its spike attack. I started dogging his attacks the best I could. As I kept dogging and dogging from left to right, I started to get tired, but I knew that if I stopped I would most definitely get killed. After I kept running from side to side, dogging it's attacks, it suddenly stopped.

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