Chapter 24: Father...

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

Your eyes fluttered open, and you immediately gasped for air. You sat up, taking in your surroundings. "I'm in the infirmary? How did I get here" you thought as you immediately started to stand up. That was a mistake. As soon as your foot touched the floor, a jolt of pain rushed through your entire leg making you cry out in pain.

"Take it easy (Y/n)" Naigus said quickly laying you back down.

"What happened?" You asked

"Well apart from the fact of Ethan basically almost killed Maka and you fighting Kid and turning evil nothing much really" Soul said sarcasm dripping from his voice. You looked at him, the sneer on his face obvious.

"Oh" you muttered quietly. You then heard Soul let out a sigh and ruffle his hair.

"Look I'm sorry about that, it's been a long day" he said making you nod. Suddenly your eyes widened as you realized something.

"If I'm here, where's Kid?" You asked him while he shrugged

"I think he said something about finding the others" he stated making you gasp.

"Damn it no that's a trap! She's gonna use them against him" you said quickly rushing to stand up. The pain came back rushing once again throughout your leg but for the sake of Kid, you decided to ignore it. You took a couple of steps and immediately stumbled down. You slowly started getting up before you felt a pair a hands help you up.

"You need to take it easy" Soul said as he wrapped one of your arms around his shoulders.

"I can't, I need to help him" you told him sternly.

"Now either you help me or get out of my way" you said as you once again attempted to walk. Suddenly you all heard a sound coming from Maka's bed. Soul immediately rushed over to her and kneeled beside her.

"Go" she said groggily

"I need to stay here with you" Soul argued back making her shake her head.

"They need your help more than me now go Soul" she said. He looked at her for a minute before slowly nodding his head. He place a light kiss on her forehead before slowly standing up.

"I'll come back as soon as I'm done" he told her while she nodded.

"I know now go on Soul, go save our friends" she told him and he nodded.

"Lets go" you told him and soon enough the two of you started making your way towards the Death Room. Once in there, you suddenly noticed a black figure laying on the ground.

"Lord Death!" You exclaimed as you rushed over to his side.

"What's happening?!" Question Soul, panic evident in his voice.

"The lines..." he muttered weakly.

"What? What do you mean by lines?" Soul kept questioning.

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