Max pov--Gravady force part 2

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I was by the stairs. May or not be eavesdropping on Madds and Harvey. But they like seriously need to get together. They need to be together. It's like the 12th day of summer and they like still NOT together. Anywhooo back to my eavesdropping.
Harvey: So you ready to go to Gravady force?
Madds: yeah sure
So that's Where they going hmm?
Harvey: Well let's get going then
I watched as they walked away. Holding hands hehe I still ship it. I ran out of the door and close and lock it. I follow them. I'm going to make Marvey happen because I know it's not going to happen by itself. So I follow them like the stalker I am. I also been reading Harvey text messages with Madds . They been flirting a lot. I can't believe that this is not a date. Like of course Harvey didn't have the encourage to ask her out on a real date but whatever. We only been knowing her since the 2nd day of summer but stilllll. So I followed them all the way to gravady and all they doing on the way to gravady force was asking each other  questions and flirting and talking about random things like I don't even know. After like 15 mins we arrived at Gravady force. They went to go get their bracelets and than walked to the trampolines and of course I got my bracelet to. They just talked and do tricks on the trampolines and you know jump on the trampolines. They also flirt to. Well once and awhile. I needed to make a moment happen. They only been flirting and holding hands like something needs to happen. Well not the whole time they been holding hands only once in awhile like ugh. It's been an hour later and they still be flirting sometimes , talking all the time, holding hands sometimes, doing tricks and jumping on trampolines all the time and yeah. It's now been another hour and they still be doing the same thing but instead it was basketball because Harvey forced her and she keeps losing. She seems very mad about it! LOL!  I watched as Harvey tried to teach Madds how to play basketball and I face palm. Even though he was teaching her correctly, I still had a better idea. Like she keeps missing every shot so I apporch Harvey and Madds without being notice. I grabbed both of Harvey arms and made him wrap them around Madds and than I jumped away because Madds  turned her head around but Harvey saw me and I just wink at him and mouthed out: left her up to the net. So he did and she put the ball  in the net, still blushing. Like she was blushing WAY more than Harvey. She might be a tomato! After that happen they both hold  hands and started walking. I followed them. They walked to Madds house. Now they was saying their goodbyes and I knew that this is going to be intresting so I eavesdrop: Harvey: It was nice hanging out with you Alone without Max
I mumbled , how dare he.
Madds : Yeah. I hope we can hang out more often with or without Max
At least she's being nice!
I saw them got lost in each others eyes and Harvey lean in and then she did and they kissed. Andddd of course they both blush! The kiss only lasted for 8 seconds and yes I was counting!that's how hard core I am as a shipper! When they pull apart they both smiled and continue to blush. They hugged for a little bit and than Madds walked into her house and close the door after her. And probably lock it to. Then Harvey started walking back to our house and I ran after Harvey. ( AAAAAAAAAAAH MARVEYYYYYY )

MARVEY!!!! (A Max And Harvey Fanfic) --COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now